I hope that this is the right forum to post this, and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone, so please forgive me if this is the wrong place!
We're looking for you! We are a small group of friends setting up a new, high quality adult party in Central London. We all really enjoy the party scene and feel that there is room for a new party catering to the mid-high end of the market. Each party will have 5 to 8 girls, every weekday, with a low ratio at a reasonable price. We have all the startup funds and are looking for someone to run this full time. We are looking for you to help us with a venue, recruitment and management. We'll pay for the rent, cover all basics and share profits. We're doing this more as a lifestyle business than to maximise our personal profits, so ideally you'll be ambitious and enthusiastic without wanting to take an economic risk yourself. If this is interesting please get in touch!