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Author Topic: Re: Available today suspensions  (Read 9071 times)


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Re: Available today suspensions
« on: 16 March 2011, 06:06:08 pm »
Hi All,

hopefully this isn't seen as spam so i wont mention the name but there will be a good competitor to AW popping up in the next 2 months. ;)

All i say we are UK based for the UK market with a dedicated support telephone line between certain hours for non technical enquirers and all website policies will be fair and transparent.

I will put a post in the relevant section when we pre-launch to invite any providers to setup their profiles.




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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2011, 07:28:03 pm »
This post was in response to the thread about AW suspending profiles who don't use the Available Today feature, in case anyone is interested.

AFairground, this forum is for sex workers only and as an advertiser, you may only post in THIS section.

Thank you.

PS Will you have tens of thousands of clients using your site within the next two months, since it's going to be such a serious competitor for Adultwork's position? It's not that I'm not really into the idea of Adultwork finally having someone challenge them, it's just that, as I'm sure you can imagine, we've heard all this sort of thing before... about a hundred times. Will you be launching a fully-featured site, or will we have to give you our details and our money while we wait patiently for a finished product?
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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2011, 08:37:57 pm »
Hi There,

I do i apologise  and it wont happen again.

The answer to your questions below.

Will you have tens of thousands of clients using your site within the next two months, since it's going to be such a serious competitor for Adultwork's position?

We will certainly be doing our best to achieve that with the marketing primed in place for when we launch. We fully understand that without the traffic the site is useless however good it maybe. We already have a network of escort related site the generate good punter traffic which gives us a higher hand than most who have tried before.

Will you be launching a fully-featured site, or will we have to give you our details and our money while we wait patiently for a finished product?

Yes on launch  we will have everything active minus our adult shop, this will launch 1 month afterward though new features will be added on members request if viable.
In our eyes the site will never be finished as new section and areas will be added to ever improve the experience.

The site has been in development for 8 months now and we have had input from 500 escorts who have given us feedback for what they would like to see.

I fully understand you heard and seen this all before but i think you may be pleasantly surprised.

We are offering free available today and now feature for 2 -3  months and we will only charge for this feature once we have the required traffic.

I must say we are not one of these copy cats of AW which have floated around in the past.

I would also like to say we are still looking for another 2 -3 beta testers for the website who are adult providers. This would entail creating your new profile on our website and using the features of the website giving us your feedback and flagging up any issues you may have come across. All accepted beta testers get free featured listing for 2 weeks as a thank you.

If any escort providers are interested in being a beta tester for us please pm me.

Thanks again..


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #3 on: 16 March 2011, 09:17:40 pm »
Hi Paul.

Is your site going to support Trans sex workers?
If so, Transvestites {tv's} -men in dresses
are not the same thing as transsexual women {Ts's
So please don't put us all under the same category  {in the way AW does, clearly as an afterthought}
as it really is two very different types of provider.

Or worse still, just illegally bar trans sex workers ads like punternet etc. ?


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #4 on: 16 March 2011, 10:35:27 pm »
There's no hyphen in 'bisexual' either, but this is the least of your problems.

As you've said, getting the numbers of people is the tough bit.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #5 on: 17 March 2011, 04:30:01 am »
That forum is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen.

So you are categorically not an Adultwork clone, but you have a sister site called Adult@Work (by whom I vaguely remember being spammed before I blocked their email address), you are planning a 'booking system' and 'ratings', and the predominant colour of your site is purple apart from your 'Available Today/Now' soon-to-be-paid feature (sound familiar?) which is er, bright green...

Does this mean you will be charging people to show their mobile numbers too? Otherwise why bother with either - punters can just ring us and ask whether we are available or not, like they do now. Are you going to have provision for links to our websites, and will we have to pay for these too? How long are all these 'features' going to remain free, and how much will it be costing once they are not? Bearing in mind that the site has virtually no traffic, that is.

And as Ian has said, and like so many others, you seriously need a proofreader. To add to the list, pornstar has a 't' in it <----
« Last Edit: 17 March 2011, 04:55:05 am by amy »


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #6 on: 17 March 2011, 07:53:17 am »

@JodieTs   Yes we will have separate fields.

« Last Edit: 19 March 2011, 11:01:55 am by AFairground »


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #7 on: 17 March 2011, 08:19:03 am »
"Adult Fairground"? Creepy. Would it be too much to ask for the site to be named something sensible that reflects the serious and professional nature of our work?

Then again, maybe "" would at least be more direct. ::)

What measures will you be implementing to make sure that service providers are not harassed daily by guys who are looking to get some free titillation? I hope we'll be able to write feedback connected to the usernames of anyone who wastes our time, or repeatedly spams us with stupid messages, or appears to be otherwise non-client-material. Perhaps if we could attach small notes that only other escorts could see?

Also, please don't make us pay to have the content of message sent on-site delivered to our proper inboxes. One of Adultwork's major flaws is that it tries so hard to keep service providers from being able to leave the bloody site - why should I have to visit the site and log in just so I can see that "MrSpankyWanks" has sent me a message saying, "hi babe r u free 2nite can i fuk u all nite 4 free thx"?

I really don't think that non-providers have any idea of the true volume of bullsh*t that we have to sift through weekly. If you make it harder for us to do this, we will have no choice but to hate your website.

And if you're going to implement verification (via scans of passports and things) why not make that essential for clients, too, eh?
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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #8 on: 17 March 2011, 08:38:43 am »
Hi EmilyJones,

from above comments it seems that we have all this covered. The name will Adult Fairground is to cover all areas of the adult market that will be added to the site. I hope the name grows on you. ;)

We will never charge for silly things like have your email forwarding to your private inbox.

We are here to work with all adult workers to offer a very safe environment.

Again we are here to help, make you money , and ourselves but not to rip anyone off.  

Only time will tell and everyone will see that what we are offering is fair and honest.

From launch we are contactable by many means and we are based in the UK.



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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #9 on: 17 March 2011, 11:09:22 am »
A@W was a test site set out last year, a basic site which only was to test the market before large investment. Ranks for key-term "AdultWork" which 800'000 exact search terms a month. The sad fact is that in the escort industry the most search for key-term is "adultwork" and not "escort" so we had to optimise for what people are searching for to catch there eye.

This has nothing to do with the name of the site though. The site could be called Top Bananas for all it matters.

I find it odd too suggest punters search "adult work" for services not escort, cam shows etc...(looking for adultwork the site maybe?).


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #10 on: 17 March 2011, 12:21:04 pm »
A@W was a test site set out last year, a basic site which only was to test the market before large investment. Ranks for key-term "AdultWork" which 800'000 exact search terms a month. The sad fact is that in the escort industry the most search for key-term is "adultwork" and not "escort" so we had to optimise for what people are searching for to catch there eye.

This has nothing to do with the name of the site though. The site could be called Top Bananas for all it matters.

I find it odd too suggest punters search "adult work" for services not escort, cam shows etc...(looking for adultwork the site maybe?).

The point being is the majority of punters type this into the search engine. Yes they are looking for a AW but to be first on the key phrase give the possibility of potential traffic.

Key-terms such as "escorts" get search in the Uk only 33'000 times   "London Escorts" around 90k is the next best search term for escorts.

All key terms are important but it is also down to repeat visitors to how a website become successful.

We believe that there is room to have a  share in the market.

« Last Edit: 17 April 2011, 04:54:40 pm by AFairground »


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #11 on: 17 March 2011, 02:14:10 pm »
I don't believe for one minute that people typing 'Adultwork' into a search engine are looking for anything other than Adultwork. I get lots of hits from Google and the search terms are things like 'Scarborough escort', 'escort Scarborough' and so on - it seems a little odd to specifically market a site purely in order to try and pick some traffic flotsam from people who were actually looking for another site. Why not try and make a standalone one that will attract users because it's actually good?

'Available Today' and on-site 'booking systems' are not the industry standard, they are what is used on Adultwork and despite what you might think, the two things are not the same. Do you honestly think we are so thick that we would be 'confused' by you using different names for your features? How exactly will this help you not look like an Adultwork clone? No other successful directory I know of uses these 'features', and I get a lot more work from them.

You obviously have a fixation with the site, but AW is just one advertising directory out of countless others, and whilst it is a busy one their main advantage comes from the amount of traffic they get, not because the site is a particularly good one. I get little from it, and even most of the people using Adultwork don't use the booking form, they use the site as a location tool and just ring and book, and I'm fairly sure that even the Adultwork fans on here would agree. Why overcomplicate things? All we need is somewhere we can describe ourselves, our rates and our services and provide a phone number if we want to, and a link to our own websites if we have one.

I'm also interested by your proposed pricing structure - if the site is busy it will stay free; so if it isn't (and therefore nobody is looking at it) the advertisers are going to have to pay to cover the cost of you making a site people aren't using? You can spout whatever SEO twaddle you want. We do this for a living, and like you've said, we've seen it all before more times than I care to remember. Have a read of this thread if you fancy a real laugh.


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #12 on: 17 March 2011, 02:42:17 pm »
You obviously have a fixation with the site, but AW is just one advertising directory out of countless others, and whilst it is a busy one their main advantage comes from the amount of traffic they get, not because the site is a particularly good one. I get little from it, and even most of the people using Adultwork don't use the booking form, they use the site as a location tool and just ring and book, and I'm fairly sure that even the Adultwork fans on here would agree. Why overcomplicate things? All we need is somewhere we can describe ourselves, our rates and our services and provide a phone number if we want to, and a link to our own websites if we have one.

These are great points. I also think the Adultwork search form is its main draw for clients: they can literally check a few options and instantly find a Portuguese girl who offers incalls in Newquay and does OWO, RO and roleplay, etc etc. It saves them having to scan through a bajillion identical "cum f*k me 2day boys! hot n horny just 4 uu!!" ads to find what they're looking for.

So if you're determined to make this site, AdultFairground, make it so that we can set information about ourselves, our services and our location, alongside our free-content profiles, and then make a great search function so that clients can find us directly. Everything else is completely unnecessary bollocks (including some of the over-complicated extras AW have added to their own search).

I can also vouch for the annoying-ness of the booking system on AW; I'll wake up some mornings and see some fool has made a booking request for me for 2am the night before or something - what's the point of that? Most escorts request phonecalls before accepting appointments and I'll bet you 10p that right now that AW are trying to scheme up a way to make us sex workers pay THEM for the right to receive calls from clients.

Anyway. I believe that almost all of these attempts to be "The New Adultwork" are purely efforts to scavenge away some of AW's huge profits rather than any serious attempt to make a directory site that is better for the escorts using it. Don't come here and try to tell us that you're doing us a favour when you're not even prepared to listen to our suggestions and requests (beyond proofreading!). If you end up being the #1 directory site for clients and sex workers by the end of the year, then do let us know. Thanks!
« Last Edit: 17 March 2011, 03:01:59 pm by EmilyJones »
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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #13 on: 17 March 2011, 02:46:53 pm »
My point wasn't about the keywords which have little do to with anything except you getting site traffic. My point was more you used the key word arguement to justify the "test site" being called Adult@work. Also doing a test site which pretty much sounded like an adult work clone sounds like a waste of time to me but each to there own.

I would also suggest forgetting charging services providers anything except whatever your commision will be until you're site is alot more established. The service providers are ultimately the people that will make the site, even record breaking traffic is useless without us ladies there working our asses off.

Personally I would like too something very different too AW. Social networking sites have gone nuts over the years but they dont work well for the adult indistry. Id like a site that can be more interactive ie let me post shouts, have followers, allow followers to comment on my shouts, photos etc. I'd also like it to be more the norm that the guys have there own profiles too.


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Re: Available today suspensions
« Reply #14 on: 17 March 2011, 03:07:49 pm »

I do agree mixing in social networking theme is the way forward.

We will be only charging for featured listings for escorts,  webcammers, videos and image galleriers.  We have to charge for these otherwise everyone will want a featured listing  though the cost is very fair.

We do have certain features which AW doesn't and will be adding new features on a regular basis.
