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Author Topic: NowTrade Adult Directory  (Read 7305 times)

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NowTrade Adult Directory
« on: 11 April 2024, 06:26:22 pm »
NowTrade Adult Directory, completely rebuilt in January 2024, offers the opportunity to post free ads for a wide range of adult services.

Explore our platform at to connect with providers and seekers in the adult industry.

Thank You,
The NowTrade team


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #1 on: 11 April 2024, 09:47:43 pm »
So the first 4 pages of adult ads are agency, they clearly get priority ans I couldn't see a way to search

Pages 4 and 5 are independent,  all have to most amazing model looks, funnily enough several have the same pictures, there were 3 on page 5 using the same pictures, I couldn't be bothered to look further but I'm sure if I reverse searched those pictures in most of those ads they would be stolen from models and Instagram

I'm out

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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #2 on: 11 April 2024, 10:38:23 pm »
Hi Miss Wolf,

No, the agencies do not have any priority over the independent ads, however VIP ads do have priority over the free ads.

The VIP status is accessible for both independent and agency ads.

The application offers both free and paid plans, paying for an ad is not mandatory.

Best Regards,
The NowTrade team


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #3 on: 12 April 2024, 07:03:53 am »
Yes, my thoughts exactly!! So bloody obvious...I'm also out!


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #4 on: 12 April 2024, 09:40:24 am »
Hi Miss Wolf,

No, the agencies do not have any priority over the independent ads, however VIP ads do have priority over the free ads.

The VIP status is accessible for both independent and agency ads.

The application offers both free and paid plans, paying for an ad is not mandatory.

Best Regards,
The NowTrade team

So what about all the profiles with matching fake pictures

Have they all paid to be a vip  ::)

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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #5 on: 12 April 2024, 10:44:18 am »
Hi Miss Wolf,

Yes of course, all the VIP ads are paid.

NowTrade runs since 2021, this year it was only improved in terms of features and aspect.

As we mentioned before it has a totally FREE Ad posting feature, without any expiration date on the free ad or hidden costs.

Thanks a lot,
The NowTrade Team.


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #6 on: 12 April 2024, 12:24:14 pm »
So let me get this right cos this is my last reply or question

The more the advertiser pays the higher up the page they get ad

It doesn't matter at all if they are using stolen pictures or fake profile or the same advertiser is using multiple ads with fake or stolen pictures that are clearly intended to scam the punters?

You are happy with that as long as you get your ad fee correct?


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #7 on: 12 April 2024, 12:41:15 pm »
Hi Miss Wolf,

Just to clarify those ads belongs to 2 agencies that are using the site for a long time, as long as the ADs comply to  the terms & conditions they stay live.

We do have an automated system for posting ads, and I can assure we haven't received any complains in these years.

Reported/Fraudulent ads are constantly removed, so hopefully this answer your question regarding scam.

And to clarify the rest:
We are offering 3 active FREE ads, most of the sites in this niche do not offer anything free.

It's pretty normal to charge and prioritise the paid ads as we do have running costs as well.

You can always use our repost functionality to bump the AD back to top and keep it fresh and up to date, that costs 0.99 credits per repost.
We also give 10 credits as a welcome bonus to ensure most of the regular user can benefit from our services 100% free.

Paying for an advert is optional.

Thank you,
The NowTrade Team


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #8 on: 12 April 2024, 09:36:11 pm »
Hi NowTrade. I've never seen a website with so many utter stunners. Well, if you like the fake look that is. Most men can see these for what they are; highly highly edited, or/and stolen. The problem websites have is they don't come up in search and even if they do, most punters use VS or AW. To stand out from the crowd, you either have to be controversial and get in the papers (as AW did a few times), or offer a way to verify the photos of the women, cos the punters want real photos so they know what they are booking. If I were gonna start an adult site, I think I'd interview all women on Zoom (or something) to make sure they are genuine then advertise that to the punters, but we aren't going to do that for a site no punters visit. At the moment, all we have are endless sites like this where punters rarely visit.

Good luck with it though. We all hope and pray an alternative to AW appears at some stage.
« Last Edit: 12 April 2024, 09:56:54 pm by Karena »

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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #9 on: 13 April 2024, 01:43:06 pm »
Hi Karena,

Thank you for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated.

Our development team is currently working on a feature that will introduce a "Verified" badge for ads, similar to platforms like Instagram and others. This update will be launched soon.

We hope that this addition will provide peace of mind for many users.

Kind Regards,
The NowTrade Team


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #10 on: 13 April 2024, 01:55:25 pm »
Anybody who hasn't seen a website with loads of (photoshopped) stunners before only has to go and check over some of the more expensive London agency sites - some of those pictures are virtually CGI ;D.

They can hardly win; if a site I was going to place an ad on asked to 'interview' me via Zoom (for free, presumably) I'd tell them to get tae fuck and I suspect so would most of us. But we can't complain that punters don't look at a site and then not put an ad on it, because if there are no ads then of course they're not going to look at it?


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #11 on: 13 April 2024, 03:12:28 pm »
Yeah I'd probably tell them to fo too, unless they had lots of punters then I'd let them interview (!!) me. I just don't see the point of advertising anywhere apart from AW and VS cos other sites don't get the traffic. And not many of us are going to bother with other websites so then the guy's don't visit. AW became popular cos of the media and VS became popular cos they were already high in search for their other services. What's CGI Amy?


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Re: NowTrade Adult Directory
« Reply #12 on: 13 April 2024, 05:03:22 pm »
CGI is Computer Generated Images. Like Toy Story :D

Unless you want twenty punters a day, they don't need that much traffic provided it's steady? I get probably one booking a day from AW (sometimes a couple, more often none) and VS is useless in central London - it depends on where you are.

If we don't bother with other websites (many of which are free or pretty cheap provided you can give them a link on your website), then it's all on us, not the punters. I get bookings regularly from at least half a dozen other sites, and the punters are on the whole a lot easier to deal with than the AW numpties because they've put some effort in - I also hear the AW punters moaning about fake profile and fake pictures, but they still keep using the site because they're too pig lazy and blinkered to even Google. Sooner or later the ones with something about them move on, and I want to be in as many of the places they might move on to as possible.

You can likely find a diamond ring in a shitheap if you keep looking through shitheaps for long enough, but if the end result is important to you (and even though it might cost a bit more and require a bit more leg work) it's likely best to go to a jewellers in the first place. AW is just a giant shitheap.

I'll stop now, because I'm derailing the OP's thread :)