Hi everyone,
I have recently set up my own website and am currently looking for members to join. I believe the website could be good for escorts as it is an adult community and could be a fairly good method of advertising for yourselves
Although the website isn't just for escorting you can make it clear that you are a service provider and advertise leaving your links to your own websites for members to visit.
some of the functions for the website are
Friends Chat
Video Chat
Groups (would be happy for agency and in dependants to set up their own groups to advertise their own services).
and much more
The Catch.
The site is free to join and use for all members and i currently have no plans to charge so any member that joins will effectictivly be getting free advertising. For my part i will see see more members joining up and as such hopefully more visitors will be inclined to join up because we i will have a much more active site.
I am always open to suggestions too so if you do join and have a comment on how to make my site more friendly to your specific roles as a service provider then. please just let me know.
Last but not least with saafe's permission i would like to put a link up for this site in the hope that it will help anyone that has an intrest in becoming an escort get the right help and advice.
The Link is www.intimate-network.com
My email is Admin@intimate-network.com