I won’t advertise on there for this very reason. Your ad gets lost in a see of real (and fake) ads unless you pay through the nose. When you do that you are even more deluged by TWs. I just found it way too stressful answering to idiots all day with maybe one client converting, if that.
Yes MB, I agree! I keep hearing from other girls the magic number '1' client gained from Vistastreet for a horrible day's work on the phone.
And it happened to me......s p o o k y or what
I agree with what girls have said for ages, Vivastreet seems 99.9% a platform for pimped girls and brothels.
Vivastreet seems a rich source of leads should the police be looking to target pimping and associated activities.
Vivastreet as an organisation 'seems complicit' in the promotion of pimping which is an illegal activity.
Given the above, I object to Vivastreet being in partnership with UM.
Easy for me to say...as UM can't function without sponsors.
In contrast, I am 100% happy that the police is an UM sponsor, that is appropriate.
Vivastreet attracts a hardcore of disturbing OCD, bullying male readers with a lot of time on their hands. In a way that's a good thing as it siphons off the dregs so we don't have to suffer them.
Personally I don't think it is a good platform for independent girls. Putting yourself on Vivastreet is like throwing a baby goat to the lions.
Any good experiences ladies?
It's probably been pointed out by other members...I also find it ironic that Vivastreet, the host for so many dubious 'pimp-like' ads have met with officials from the Home Office to discuss
our industry and
'how to prevent and disrupt sex-trafficking enabled via online platforms.' Funny old world!
https://www. parliament.uk/ business/ publications/ written-questions-answers-statements/ written-question/Commons/ 2018-11-12/190478/