I didnt reaise you could time the repost, what happens if all the advertisers want the same time /
That would never happen because we all work different times of the day so we would all want our ads reposted at different times (ideally at the time we are available from or just before). With the 9.99 pound repost, its supposed to repost at the time you pay for it: so if you purchase it at 9am on a Monday, it should repost at 9am and 9pm every day for 7 days, but thats not the case - by Wed/Thurs its reposting at 12pm/12am!! I was on the phone with Viva today for
50 mins and one person is telling me its based on the time you pay for the repost feature yet Finny emailed me saying its based on the time my ad is published.....
Not only that, but over the past week Ive gone to my ad and all my pics have been removed. It took them
25 mins in the phone conversation to sort it out (my pics appear in the listing but when you click on my ad theres no pics whatsoever) and again, no one can tell me why this is happening to my ad even though I know (and the person I spoke with confirmed) that my pics do not breach their T and C. Its now resulted me in having to have a second ad and considering shutting down my profile which is a shame because I actually do better on VS then I do on AW....