Sorry but I really need to have a rant about VS -
I am furious about this website.
Ater a very pleasant and helpful conversation on the phone yesterday, with a gentleman who kindly offered to give me a VIP trial for a few days on the front page, as he felt I deserved VIP status due to the quality of my profile and pictures, (and was obviously hoping that I would eventually cough up the ?300 he was offering if I decided to stick with the VIP for a month), I came off the phone, only to find out that they have REMOVED ALL MY PHOTOS and had placed my ad on hold for moderation!!!
These photos so far have been perfectly acceptable, so I do not understand why they are suddenly deemed to be unsuitable, to the point of deleting the entire lot (I had about 10 on there in total)
So after yesterday's fiasco, I now have a totally useless advert on VS without any photos whatsoever, up for moderation, for which I am paying over ?50, and which so far has not brought me one iota of business... All I have received is a handful of emails ... each of which could have been written by a 9 year old.
I would personally steer clear of any advertising on VS, it is overpriced and vastly complicated, and distressing when they decide to remove your photos for no discernible reason (this has happened to me TWICE now).
I have written to them to tell them to deactivate my profile completely - as it stands I have an advert on there for which I am basically throwing money at for nothing, and have received no proper explanation as their actions, and I have no way of contacting anyone to address this until Monday as they are not contactable over the weekend.
What a waste of money this experience has been.
I will in future be staying faithful to my other listing directories, and disregarding VS completely.