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Author Topic: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group  (Read 728742 times)


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #30 on: 02 July 2013, 03:33:16 pm »
I will not be interested if its an 070 number. If I wanted an 070 number I can easily get one myself.
« Last Edit: 02 July 2013, 03:37:35 pm by ladyofthemansion »
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #31 on: 02 July 2013, 03:35:31 pm »
I will not be interested if its an 070 number.

But you can opt out. I have my mobile number showing now.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #32 on: 02 July 2013, 03:39:24 pm »
I will not be interested if its an 070 number.

But you can opt out. I have my mobile number showing now.

That's ok then. But for anyone who wants an 070 number it's easy to get by yourself and if the caller paying 50p a minute or whatever, at least it goes in your own pocket.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #33 on: 02 July 2013, 03:50:54 pm »
Even my local rag's got a section called 'Personal Services' - there's no reason on earth why our ads should be near the ones where people are looking for dates or potential relationships, surely? Where do ads of other people charging by the hour for various services go?
The escort and massage section was added into the 18+ section (whilst I appreciate in the main category of personals, which is far from ideal) and as you say in the newspaper these ads also go into the personal section also,

I think you've misinterpreted my post - the very point I was making is that Personal Services is a separate section, and the prossie ads (such as they are) are not lumped in with the dating ads (which I know is often called the personal column; I have no idea what it's called in my paper). The section is listed along with the others somewhere after 'For Sale' and amongst things like gardening - I think it generally follows the ads for things like hypnosis, psychics and suchlike.

Could the Adult 18+ subsection not be amongst other services offered by self employed people, since it's far more relevant to those than people looking for a free shag? After all, people under 18 are if anything more likely to be poking about in the latter section than the former, I would think.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #34 on: 02 July 2013, 03:52:43 pm »
Yep, whilst I commend the efforts of Amy in achieving these changes, reading your last few posts shows me you still aren't on the same page as us yet.

Yes I do use the word 'Escort' however many users of general 'classifieds' sites are not familiar with a lot of sex work jargon, many do think an Escort is someone who accompanies gentlemen to dinner, which is why many have faltered when I've specified I'm not a masseuse.

200-400 enquiries a month?I wish. Maximum I get from a VS ad is around 20, perhaps 10 after the initial rush and I may get 1 booking from those ten. Remainder consist of a guy who wants me to drive for 1 hour (each way) to see him for less than ?100, others who are as Amy says expecting something bargain basement, and some who don't understand booking etiquette - phoning wanting me to be wherever they are in ten minutes (and I'm not talking in the same town) at 11pm at night.

Reading forums and speaking to clients majority view 070 numbers as scams and assume the advertiser is creaming off the profit, they aren't popular and they aren't needed when so many ladies have their own websites they can point the guys to. Website which contain lots of useful information.

I'll have a look at the forum and when I get time will see if I can get an ad worked out that'll be acceptable. Given I tend to be busy during the day, it's probably going to be an evening submission but hopefully will be looked at first thing the following day.

Hi Strawberry, thanks for the feedback. 'we are not on the same page' this possibly does sum up the situation, we are not experts in this particular field which is why we are reaching out to discuss this part of our site with you guys (the experts!). All we can do at the moment is say we are willing to listen to your feedback and try and work towards improving the service we offer you - its worth saying we have 10 volunteers for joining the online group so thank you so far.

The stats that I provided on contacts are what the tech system tells me (average all over the country), this is certainly one of the items I would like the test group who take out ads to confirm. London is by far the most popular for contacts so these ads may be skewing the overall results. I will dig deeper into the stats and feedback, but hopefully you guys involved in the free ads can also report on your findings.

070's are available on an opt in basis on the site, we never intended to make this a mandatory offering we only thought the features it provided would be off intrest and they are to some people.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team

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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #35 on: 02 July 2013, 04:14:51 pm »
Yep, whilst I commend the efforts of Amy in achieving these changes, reading your last few posts shows me you still aren't on the same page as us yet.

Yes I do use the word 'Escort' however many users of general 'classifieds' sites are not familiar with a lot of sex work jargon, many do think an Escort is someone who accompanies gentlemen to dinner, which is why many have faltered when I've specified I'm not a masseuse.

200-400 enquiries a month?I wish. Maximum I get from a VS ad is around 20, perhaps 10 after the initial rush and I may get 1 booking from those ten. Remainder consist of a guy who wants me to drive for 1 hour (each way) to see him for less than ?100, others who are as Amy says expecting something bargain basement, and some who don't understand booking etiquette - phoning wanting me to be wherever they are in ten minutes (and I'm not talking in the same town) at 11pm at night.

Reading forums and speaking to clients majority view 070 numbers as scams and assume the advertiser is creaming off the profit, they aren't popular and they aren't needed when so many ladies have their own websites they can point the guys to. Website which contain lots of useful information.

I'll have a look at the forum and when I get time will see if I can get an ad worked out that'll be acceptable. Given I tend to be busy during the day, it's probably going to be an evening submission but hopefully will be looked at first thing the following day.

Hi Strawberry, thanks for the feedback. 'we are not on the same page' this possibly does sum up the situation, we are not experts in this particular field which is why we are reaching out to discuss this part of our site with you guys (the experts!). All we can do at the moment is say we are willing to listen to your feedback and try and work towards improving the service we offer you - its worth saying we have 10 volunteers for joining the online group so thank you so far.

The stats that I provided on contacts are what the tech system tells me (average all over the country), this is certainly one of the items I would like the test group who take out ads to confirm. London is by far the most popular for contacts so these ads may be skewing the overall results. I will dig deeper into the stats and feedback, but hopefully you guys involved in the free ads can also report on your findings.

070's are available on an opt in basis on the site, we never intended to make this a mandatory offering we only thought the features it provided would be off intrest and they are to some people.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team

That is funny because I had to opt out from the 070 number as was changed in the first place without my permission. So the rules seemed to be relaxed it sounds when suits. And another issue is that not all viva customer services people are aware. So therefore what one might agree the other will not. First hand experience here. Many will allow things when others moderate they clamp down hard. I analyse actions. That is why all of a sudden photos get removed because what one thought in the first place to allow the other comes along disagreeing. So the end result is a confused escort. It sure left me that way after so long then photo's removed. I don't see this improving. It all boils down to every one has different views. likes and dislikes. So can this get any better?. Doubt it if any thing worse. That is why we need to be extra careful tip toeing. I pleaded once in devastation, to let me know why they removed photo. They finally told me so thankful for that. :) I love advertising with Viva just am very cautious when it comes to changing/adding things to my ad.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #36 on: 02 July 2013, 05:33:04 pm »
That is funny because I had to opt out from the 070 number as was changed in the first place without my permission. So the rules seemed to be relaxed it sounds when suits. And another issue is that not all viva customer services people are aware. So therefore what one might agree the other will not. First hand experience here. Many will allow things when others moderate they clamp down hard. I analyse actions. That is why all of a sudden photos get removed because what one thought in the first place to allow the other comes along disagreeing. So the end result is a confused escort. It sure left me that way after so long then photo's removed. I don't see this improving. It all boils down to every one has different views. likes and dislikes. So can this get any better?. Doubt it if any thing worse. That is why we need to be extra careful tip toeing. I pleaded once in devastation, to let me know why they removed photo. They finally told me so thankful for that. :) I love advertising with Viva just am very cautious when it comes to changing/adding things to my ad.

Hi Meetingdiversity, thanks for the feedback. I am sorry you were opted in to VivaProtect, I will look to investigate this for you, hopefully you did find it easy to opt out though! But I will try and feedback to you why this happened. I will also double check that all agents are aware of VivaProtect (they certainly should be).

What you are saying is completely correct about people having different views on what is acceptable and what isn't on site, the new rules have been super simplified so all agents should be clear on what is and what isn't allowed now. We are also more than happy for you to email in any pictures that may be border line and we can give you a yes or no.

Its great to hear you 'love' advertising with Vivastreet and that's why we want to try and make our system and processes as streamlined as possible. It would be great it you would take part in out online focus group as you are an existing poster we can give you some 'upgrades' to your current ad - please drop us an email at if you would like to.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #37 on: 03 July 2013, 10:15:43 am »
....... We know that in this category we can send around 200-400 contacts average per month (depending on ad type), we understand that some of these are going to be 'time wasters' or asking for further information.

Where I think your team may be failing in quoting the right figure of people that contact us is  if they are looking at the number of views we have per ad or the number of guys who check out our numbers.

As many guys who visit vivastreet are only browsing, it is only a fraction of guys who look at our ads that call us and even then many may not turn into clients.

I may be totally off with these thoughts but I wanted to put it out there anyway.
« Last Edit: 03 July 2013, 11:23:29 am by Lady_Lust_XXX »
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #38 on: 03 July 2013, 01:26:59 pm »
I'll second what others have said, I think that URLs ought to be permitted, otherwise there should be a very clear and prominent "click here for website". Why aren't they? It gives more credibility to the escort who has posted the ad (shows an established web presence) and it looks more professional. Personally I don't feel comfortable with clients who haven't seen my website (and are calling from an ad that doesn't permit the necessary details to be listed) as there's too many questions from them and, as others have said, there's a fundamental lack of understanding about who we are, what's on offer, and often they think we aren't professional escorts but just some person who's just stuck an ad up. A lack of clear information or denying links to websites to obtain this information is unhelpful and wastes the time of everyone involved.

Hi Daisy, thanks for the feedback. I am trying to push internally to allow a test for a month of links in the ads, I agree this really does seem to be the biggest issue so far and it could solve a number of other issues. It would have to be a test first so we can understand the browsing behaviour of the site users and also the number of links we have to disallow as they may lead people to pages with malware etc - I know this will not be the case in the vast number of users.

As soon as I have some more information, I will feedback to everybody.

Thank you,

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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #39 on: 03 July 2013, 01:44:22 pm »
....... We know that in this category we can send around 200-400 contacts average per month (depending on ad type), we understand that some of these are going to be 'time wasters' or asking for further information.

Where I think your team may be failing in quoting the right figure of people that contact us is  if they are looking at the number of views we have per ad or the number of guys who check out our numbers.

As many guys who visit vivastreet are only browsing, it is only a fraction of guys who look at our ads that call us and even then many may not turn into clients.

I may be totally off with these thoughts but I wanted to put it out there anyway.

Hi Lady Lust, thanks for your comments. Firstly I know VivaProtect (070) isn't popular with some people, however it does give VivaStreet and the escorts using it some useful insights, on top of the additional features. I can say from running a report on users with VivaProtect in the escort section that 68 ads last month had over 200 calls and another 84 had between 100 & 199 calls. What we dont know is how many turn into 'bookings' for you as you rightly say and also time wasters.

Obviously a lot of things can effect the number of calls an ad poster gets on the site such as price, location, pictures, ad description and so on and from looking at the stats there is a huge variance between different ads. There is obviously a similar correlation in all our categories.

I am hoping with the test group we have, we can share the results and feedback on the site experiences / stats once its completed, we will obviously keep any people taking part confidential (unless they want to say they took part) but with there permission it would be good to share 'overall average' figures with the group?

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team

« Last Edit: 03 July 2013, 03:09:27 pm by Vivastreet »
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #40 on: 03 July 2013, 02:39:30 pm »
I was forgetting you would get the figures from the 070 records.  I was thinking about the views we get on our ads and forgot about the other way of collating figures.

You are right.

Ive got to admit to being one that loathes the 070 numbers UNLESS I'm the one getting the 50p per minute per call and then I would talk to them for hours.  ::)

Thanks for reminding me Peter and its nice to actually get a name behind the posts and not just "The vivastreet team" .... welcome to SAAFE.

Linzi x
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #41 on: 03 July 2013, 03:55:47 pm »
Maybe you could consider letting ladies who have the 070 numbers advertise for free as you will make plenty from the calls. Otherwise I'm tempted to get my own 070 number and use that.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #42 on: 03 July 2013, 04:08:46 pm »
....... We know that in this category we can send around 200-400 contacts average per month (depending on ad type), we understand that some of these are going to be 'time wasters' or asking for further information.

Where I think your team may be failing in quoting the right figure of people that contact us is  if they are looking at the number of views we have per ad or the number of guys who check out our numbers.

As many guys who visit vivastreet are only browsing, it is only a fraction of guys who look at our ads that call us and even then many may not turn into clients.

I may be totally off with these thoughts but I wanted to put it out there anyway.

Hi Lady Lust, thanks for your comments. Firstly I know VivaProtect (070) isn't popular with some people, however it does give VivaStreet and the escorts using it some useful insights, on top of the additional features. I can say from running a report on users with VivaProtect in the escort section that 68 ads last month had over 200 calls and another 84 had between 100 & 199 calls. What we dont know is how many turn into 'bookings' for you as you rightly say and also time wasters.

Obviously a lot of things can effect the number of calls an ad poster gets on the site such as price, location, pictures, ad description and so on and from looking at the stats there is a huge variance between different ads. There is obviously a similar correlation in all our categories.

I am hoping with the test group we have, we can share the results and feedback on the site experiences / stats once its completed, we will obviously keep any people taking part confidential (unless they want to say they took part) but with there permission it would be good to share 'overall average' figures with the group?

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team

The 200 calls, were they individual discrete enquiries, or possibly a series of calls from each potential client, including calls setting up, confirming, and phoning when on way calls?


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #43 on: 03 July 2013, 04:38:23 pm »
I was forgetting you would get the figures from the 070 records.  I was thinking about the views we get on our ads and forgot about the other way of collating figures.

You are right.

Ive got to admit to being one that loathes the 070 numbers UNLESS I'm the one getting the 50p per minute per call and then I would talk to them for hours.  ::)

Thanks for reminding me Peter and its nice to actually get a name behind the posts and not just "The vivastreet team" .... welcome to SAAFE.

Linzi x

Hi Linzi, thanks for the feedback. There are lots of regulation around the use of the 070 numbers and we take advice from the company that provides them. The end user does pay ?0.51 per min however a large share goes to the technical provider and BT, Vivastreet does not get the full amount just to make that clear.

Thank you (and thanks Saafe) its good to be involved in the forum, we have learnt so much from you guys so far and hopefully we can implement some of the items to make your lives easier and provide a better service.


The Vivastreet Team - Peter  :)
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #44 on: 03 July 2013, 04:44:19 pm »
Maybe you could consider letting ladies who have the 070 numbers advertise for free as you will make plenty from the calls. Otherwise I'm tempted to get my own 070 number and use that.

Hi LOTM, sometimes we are on the same page! We had thought about this and actually suggested it to the tech provider, you have to be really careful due to the legislation around these numbers and cant be seen to give any revenue from this to the end user. That being said we have sent over a few examples of how we could do this in a smart way, we are just waiting on feedback.
The solutions we have sent over would require some tech work on our side though, so its not going to be a quick fix but at least I can keep you all updated on progress.


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