How do you know they've blocked your ad so often in one day, do they notify you or do you have to keep logging in to check it's still live?
They don't notify you. They do not send an email about the deactivation. 
I used multi repost.That's why I check my profile frequently to multi reposts.Yesterday evening every time when, I check my ad, I saw that my ad again and again was inactive.

Vivastreet is very expensive.
Featured 7 days: £ 59.99
Highlight 7 days: £ 24.99
Multi repost 7 days: £ 49.99
Basic posting 7 days: £ 12.99
This is total:£ 147.96
I'm not going to pay that much money to that idiot pimp website just so I can't write anything about my service,because all service-specific words have been banned on viva street.

For my part, I am deleting my vivastreet account. I think it's time to I look for another job.