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Author Topic: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group  (Read 727495 times)

Aussie Male Escort

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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #15 on: 01 July 2013, 10:42:05 pm »
I posted an ad on vivastreet today after seeing this thread. Not long after I got an autoreply saying my ad had been declined but rather than saying why it was declined it just listed all the possible reasons why an ad might be declined on vivastreet. I contacted them via the email addresses in this thread and got a response a few minutes later to say it was because I'd posted the URL for my website. Everywhere else I advertise allows me to post my website URL so I hope vivastreet will consider changing the no URL rule. Great to see you're taking on feedback from SAAFE members though and thanks for replying to my email so quickly.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #16 on: 01 July 2013, 10:44:20 pm »
It is good to see you on here talking to us. Please don't put your rates up again though lol.

I ought to point out that Vivastreet are here following a couple of months of email discussion regarding their previous terms and conditions, and the problems they had seen members referring to here on SAAFE - the changes to the photograph rules are a direct result of input from people here relayed by me, and I have been very reliably informed that not only have the customer service operatives been retrained, but that they do intend to listen.

Anybody who does have a query, this is your chance to have it addressed. I don't use the site, so there are plenty of things I may have left out and don't forget there's some free ads up for grabs for anybody who doesn't mind answering a few questions afterward.

Its worth saying a big thank you to Amy, she has managed to deal with numerous emails from us (when she didn't need to) and really helped to educate us on Saafe user views and opinions. As she says now is the time to raise any thoughts you may have, but hopefully we will be live on the site and able to offer ongoing support if needed.

Vivastreet, stop adding your bloody website address to every free text box on your profile summary, please. No URLs :).

My bad sorry  ;D
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #17 on: 01 July 2013, 10:54:52 pm »
I posted an ad on vivastreet today after seeing this thread. Not long after I got an autoreply saying my ad had been declined but rather than saying why it was declined it just listed all the possible reasons why an ad might be declined on vivastreet. I contacted them via the email addresses in this thread and got a response a few minutes later to say it was because I'd posted the URL for my website. Everywhere else I advertise allows me to post my website URL so I hope vivastreet will consider changing the no URL rule. Great to see you're taking on feedback from SAAFE members though and thanks for replying to my email so quickly.

Hi Aussie Male Escort, thanks indeed for your feedback. It flagged up a very old email template (which will be deleted by the end of the week) and replaced with something much more user friendly. With regards to the website links we are working on a project to allow this, i will try and get some dates on this and see if in the interim we can work something that will allow this on site.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #18 on: 01 July 2013, 11:05:04 pm »
Hi there,

I really appreciate the changes and am now considering rejoining the site and advertise there if all is true!
I used to have lots of clients from there but lost faith after the moderating problems again and again.

for the amount you charge i expect very good customer service and fast changes as somebody mentioned automatic changes otherwise its just not worth it.

Also, when i place an ad at lets say 6am but its moderated only at 3pm its only reposted at 3am and 3pm its really not good. if i place an ad at 6am i want it to count the 12hrs from that time, so appear at 6pm and 6am and not 3pm when its moderated. (hope it makes sense) i used to experience this problem.

going to have a look now on the site i hope you will offer good value for money.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #19 on: 02 July 2013, 06:45:05 am »
Would also be good if you will allow us to state which services we do and don't do.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #20 on: 02 July 2013, 08:09:04 am »
I have only advertised on there sporadically and gave up because the one or two quality enquiries I received just weren't worth all the previous hassles. The rates thing is great because many of the guys contacting me were wanting something instant and much cheaper. The other thing I found was everytime I put up an ad the same guy would send a message via your message system, he was a bit of a pain in the neck and you seemed to take away the ability to reply or block these messages.

Regards listing services I also found a lot of guys would ask for 'massage' when enquiring, and when I said I was an Escort or even that "No I'm not a masseuse, but I do provide a sexual service", there'd be this awkward "Oh, err, right, err". 

I'd also like us not to be under the 'Free adult personals' banner, I think it makes it look as if we are a bit more casual than we are, and not to be taken seriously. I'm guessing we probably pay as much if not more than other advertisers on there, and to be stuck under a 'free' banner is kind of taking the piss.

If I can get an ad up and running within a few hours of submission in the next few days I'll give it another go.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #21 on: 02 July 2013, 10:06:37 am »
Hi there,

I really appreciate the changes and am now considering rejoining the site and advertise there if all is true!
I used to have lots of clients from there but lost faith after the moderating problems again and again.

for the amount you charge i expect very good customer service and fast changes as somebody mentioned automatic changes otherwise its just not worth it.

Also, when i place an ad at lets say 6am but its moderated only at 3pm its only re-posted at 3am and 3pm its really not good. if i place an ad at 6am i want it to count the 12hrs from that time, so appear at 6pm and 6am and not 3pm when its moderated. (hope it makes sense) i used to experience this problem.

going to have a look now on the site i hope you will offer good value for money.

Hi BBW, thanks for the feedback. Everything in the thread we have discussed including the rule changes are all live, feel free to post an ad and try the 'new and improved' service. Incidentally if you wish to join our focus group, we will provide you with a free top of the range package on site - please email to take part, all we will be asking is a few questions before the start of your ad and a survey afterwards for your frank comments.

All ads between the core hours of 8-5pm should be posted under an hour, so this should mean you can approximate when your ads will be re-posted if you take this feature. Of course if you wish it to go quicker you can always call in when you have posted your ad and the agent can set it live whilst you are on the phone (takes around 30 mins before showing live on site).

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #22 on: 02 July 2013, 10:23:29 am »
Would also be good if you will allow us to state which services we do and don't do.

Hi Ladyofthemanson, we definitely need you in our focus group! Yes this is always going to be a tricky one for our site, as its not just aimed at the escort market. The majority of our users are posting and browsing ads in the non-adult part of the site, we hoped allowing the rates to be advertised would be a step in the right direction to give posters in this category more flexibility - perhaps this is something I can add in to allow links to your own websites, as here you can clearly state your do's and dont's.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #23 on: 02 July 2013, 10:48:29 am »
The majority of our users are posting and browsing ads in the non-adult part of the site, we hoped allowing the rates to be advertised would be a step in the right direction to give posters in this category more flexibility - perhaps this is something I can add in to allow links to your own websites, as here you can clearly state your do's and dont's.

I think this is the biggest problem for many of us and certainly the main reason I don't use the site - I completely understand a mainstream site not wanting to have explicit sexual language posted all over it even in a 'list' type format, but when it's sexual services which are being advertised it's difficult and frustrating for both us and potential customers when we're not allowed to provide some simple means for these customers to find out what is actually on offer.

The extremely low standard of enquiries I received for the few weeks I was on the site before I removed my ad were generally as a direct result of the callers having no idea about my services or fees, and assuming that because I had posted on a free classified site that I must be working for bargain basement rates. The reason I advertise online is so that I can provide such information without having to have interminable conversations on the phone about this stuff, and thus the punters who do eventually get in touch already have a pretty good idea whether they want to book or not so I don't have to talk to the ones who don't (and they can avoid wasting time and money calling somebody who isn't suitable for them, too).


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #24 on: 02 July 2013, 10:50:01 am »
I have only advertised on there sporadically and gave up because the one or two quality enquiries I received just weren't worth all the previous hassles. The rates thing is great because many of the guys contacting me were wanting something instant and much cheaper. The other thing I found was everytime I put up an ad the same guy would send a message via your message system, he was a bit of a pain in the neck and you seemed to take away the ability to reply or block these messages.

Regards listing services I also found a lot of guys would ask for 'massage' when enquiring, and when I said I was an Escort or even that "No I'm not a masseuse, but I do provide a sexual service", there'd be this awkward "Oh, err, right, err". 

I'd also like us not to be under the 'Free adult personals' banner, I think it makes it look as if we are a bit more casual than we are, and not to be taken seriously. I'm guessing we probably pay as much if not more than other advertisers on there, and to be stuck under a 'free' banner is kind of taking the piss.

If I can get an ad up and running within a few hours of submission in the next few days I'll give it another go.

Hi Strawberry, thanks for your feedback. We know that in this category we can send around 200-400 contacts average per month (depending on ad type), we understand that some of these are going to be 'time wasters' or asking for further information. As you say the rates should hopefully weed out some of these calls, if you wish you can also add you are an 'escort' not a masseuse and we actually rolled out a VivaProtect phone system which allows you to mask your own number but also you can have a message play every time some one calls (before it start to ring) you could include more information here to potentially weed out more time wasters - the cost to the caller is ?0.51 per minute.

The 'Free personals' point is an interesting one, let me add that to the discussion points internally and hopefully we can feedback with an answer. I believe this is just the site structure, the main group being Free personals, but the subcategory being named adult 18+.

Feel free to take place in our online forum for a free ad on site, so you can have a 'no strings' trial and provide us some feedback.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #25 on: 02 July 2013, 10:58:38 am »
Even my local rag's got a section called 'Personal Services' - there's no reason on earth why our ads should be near the ones where people are looking for dates or potential relationships, surely? Where do ads of other people charging by the hour for various services go?

As for the ??? phone number, I think expecting punters to pay a premium to do something they can and should be able to do for either free (in terms of looking at our websites) or very little (calling us) is going to result not only in making the site look dodgy but us too, as punters won't always realise that it isn't us doing the charging. There have been a couple of attempts by other advertising resources to force premium '070' numbers on us (without permission in some cases; the Sport was one, I think) and they were not popular, to put it politely.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #26 on: 02 July 2013, 12:38:46 pm »
Even my local rag's got a section called 'Personal Services' - there's no reason on earth why our ads should be near the ones where people are looking for dates or potential relationships, surely? Where do ads of other people charging by the hour for various services go?

As for the ??? phone number, I think expecting punters to pay a premium to do something they can and should be able to do for either free (in terms of looking at our websites) or very little (calling us) is going to result not only in making the site look dodgy but us too, as punters won't always realise that it isn't us doing the charging. There have been a couple of attempts by other advertising resources to force premium '070' numbers on us (without permission in some cases; the Sport was one, I think) and they were not popular, to put it politely.

Hi Amy, Thanks again for the invaluable feedback. I understand all your points, but we unfortunately cant get away from the fact that we are a 'classifieds' website - so we have to work within these confines. The escort and massage section was added into the 18+ section (whilst I appreciate in the main category of personals, which is far from ideal) and as you say in the newspaper these ads also go into the personal section also, I guess its a legacy thing.

I think vs newspaper we now on site have greater flexibility (although not a 'free for all') for people to advertise, we are more than happy to try and find a happy medium for all parties involved and I will certainly discuss the options with regards to category placement / naming and feedback to everybody.

On the VivaProtect point its only opt in on the Vivastreet site, and its understandable that some people will not want this service - but some people also like the service and the features it offers. I also understand if others in the industry have forced the issue of 070's, it may have caused some bad will - this certainly isn't our intention at Vivastreet. I will also see if we can make clearer the costs involved and also the fact that the advertiser is not the charger.

Not to labour this point, but I will see if we can push the website link project and then posters can tell visitors to visit there website first before making a call, again its not going to solve the issue 100% but hopefully will be a step in the right direction.

Thank you,

The Vivastreet Team
« Last Edit: 02 July 2013, 01:46:24 pm by Vivastreet »
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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #27 on: 02 July 2013, 03:20:49 pm »
Yep, whilst I commend the efforts of Amy in achieving these changes, reading your last few posts shows me you still aren't on the same page as us yet.

Yes I do use the word 'Escort' however many users of general 'classifieds' sites are not familiar with a lot of sex work jargon, many do think an Escort is someone who accompanies gentlemen to dinner, which is why many have faltered when I've specified I'm not a masseuse.

200-400 enquiries a month?I wish. Maximum I get from a VS ad is around 20, perhaps 10 after the initial rush and I may get 1 booking from those ten. Remainder consist of a guy who wants me to drive for 1 hour (each way) to see him for less than ?100, others who are as Amy says expecting something bargain basement, and some who don't understand booking etiquette - phoning wanting me to be wherever they are in ten minutes (and I'm not talking in the same town) at 11pm at night.

Reading forums and speaking to clients majority view 070 numbers as scams and assume the advertiser is creaming off the profit, they aren't popular and they aren't needed when so many ladies have their own websites they can point the guys to. Website which contain lots of useful information.

I'll have a look at the forum and when I get time will see if I can get an ad worked out that'll be acceptable. Given I tend to be busy during the day, it's probably going to be an evening submission but hopefully will be looked at first thing the following day.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #28 on: 02 July 2013, 03:22:13 pm »
I wouldn't like to change any thing on my ad as can't be doing with being inconvenienced yet again. Finally have the plain and simple smart look there with simple words. I just refer them to adult work to find out more goodies and services offered. It is working for me just fine.  There is bound to be some thing else wrong with the way the whole ''relaxed thing'' is interpreted by each individual.


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Re: New Vivastreet posting rules (UK) and online focus group
« Reply #29 on: 02 July 2013, 03:33:01 pm »
I posted an ad on vivastreet today after seeing this thread. Not long after I got an autoreply saying my ad had been declined but rather than saying why it was declined it just listed all the possible reasons why an ad might be declined on vivastreet. I contacted them via the email addresses in this thread and got a response a few minutes later to say it was because I'd posted the URL for my website. Everywhere else I advertise allows me to post my website URL so I hope vivastreet will consider changing the no URL rule. Great to see you're taking on feedback from SAAFE members though and thanks for replying to my email so quickly.

I just seen this after posting why wouldn't change my ad just because they relaxed the rules. See.!! My point exactly why people should always be cautious, unless they can do with their business going quiet, while sorting out this whole mess. You will need to become a detective as to why they delete things most of the time. Your best bet is to use plain and simple clean words not as open as you would be on Adult work for instance. Hopefully this is a good guide to help you. Ever since using my technique all is clear. I dress smart and sexy advertising on viva.