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Author Topic: Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks  (Read 2649 times)


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Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks
« on: 02 April 2012, 09:36:59 am »
I'm new to this forum and would appreciate any input/advice from members as to both the issues the escorts have in offering a credit card option to customers and also problems that cardholders themselves would have in using their cards to pay for escort services.
My company have developed a secure Chip and Pin solution that links to a Smartphone app through to European banks that are comfortable in dealing with the escort industry. Our solution is secure, discreet and payments can be made to either a bank account or onto a prepaid card. In addition it is impossible for the cardholder to "chargeback" the transaction and all card fees can be recharged to the cardholder if required.
We obviously want to offer this as a payment option to UK escorts but are more concerned at the present in getting comments and feedback prior to our launching the service.
This post is certainly not meant as a spam to forum members and we hope it isn't taken as such but we really are interested in your views on this.
Thanks for your time


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Re: Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks
« Reply #1 on: 02 April 2012, 10:27:16 am »
In a nutshell, I wouldn't bother, the majority of clients and many ladies do not want a paper trail.

Thats without even looking at whether we would need a merchant account or using a 3rd party, both quite expensive options for the limited use it would get.

There is a market out there for this sort of thing but I don't think its really the adult industry.


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Re: Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks
« Reply #2 on: 02 April 2012, 10:43:01 am »
Thanks Anjali for your comment
I have been providing card payment solutions to the Adult Industry for the last 7 years and, whilst accepting that there is a reluctance in the UK market to accept cards, it is a valued payment method within Europe and other regions.
We are not looking to replace cash as a payment method but purely to offer an add-on option.
We offer a mobile Chip and Pin solution which we believe covers a lot of the issues that the escorts may have and offers an affordable, secure and discreet solution with the option of payment being made to a prepaid card instead of a UK bank account.

Thanks again


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Re: Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks
« Reply #3 on: 02 April 2012, 02:45:11 pm »
I can see that some people may be interested, but you've not even mentioned the big question: what's your cut? (And related, how long before someone has the money in their hands?)

I can also see that it's possible to minimise the 'it wasn't me' chargebacks, but how do you deal with the 'service not supplied / faulty' ones?
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Re: Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks
« Reply #4 on: 02 April 2012, 03:06:02 pm »
I'd like to know this, too. And if you're saying 'no chargebacks, ever' that's all fine and dandy for us, but what redress do punters then have if and when they're ripped off by the unscrupulous?

And as a related question, are you offering cards which do not display or associate with the owners legal name, as that's the only way I can see punters being interested? Obviously this would have to be a prepaid card with no background checks, but as you haven't said it is I don't understand how this could work?
« Last Edit: 02 April 2012, 03:21:30 pm by amy »


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Re: Secure Credit Card Acceptance - no Chargebacks
« Reply #5 on: 02 April 2012, 04:28:38 pm »
Thanks for the feedback - I'll try and answer the questions raised:
a) Rates charged by our company to the Escort market are 9%. There is the option to add a card "service charge" back to the cardholder to cover fees. Aside from the purchase of the hand held Chip and Pin terminal (approx ?120) these are the only charges. We do not charge an account set-up fee or annual maintenance fee - it is purely a transaction based cost - if you do not use the terminal then there are no additional fees or lengthy contracts.
b) Please note this is a dedicated account for an escort with non-UK european banks who are comfortable dealing with this industry. It is not a case of "piggy-backing on to a friend's existing merchant account which could result in his account being closed down for misuse.
c) As this is a cardholder present and chip and pin transaction, no reserves are witheld by our banks and all monies (less the transaction fee) are deposited into a bank account or a prepaid card within 3-4 working days.
d) With a cardholder present, chip and pin transaction, the liability for a chargeback shifts from the merchant (the escort) to the cardholder's own issuing bank. If the argument from the client is that the service was not supplied, then the cardholder would have to take this up with his issuing bank but I agree this could be embarassing to explain for them.
e) We can offer a prepaid card but as the account will be in the name of the escort then photo ID and proof of residential address would be required.
For the customer, an extremely discreet explanation of the transaction would appear on his card statement - this would be the name of the payment processor we use plus a reference number. There would be no mention at all of the service they had paid for or who they had visited.

As a brief explanation, we provide a free to download app which can be used on any smartphone - the details entered onto the phone are the transaction value, any admin fee plus the customers email address or mobile number should he require an electronic receipt. Once submitted, the app links via wifi or 3G to the handheld pin terminal where the client inserts his card and inputs his PIN. At no stage does the client hand his card details to the escort.

I hope I've answered your initial points and I'd be delighted to discuss the service further with anyone that is interested.
