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Author Topic: Looking for Advice  (Read 3720 times)


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Looking for Advice
« on: 27 May 2014, 09:21:51 pm »
Hi, I just joined this site in the hope of receiving some real advice.

I am a software developer.  I have an idea for an online service, which will quite literally revolutionise the escort industry.  I'm quite serious, this is a game changer.

What I'm looking for is feedback.  I want to talk to independent escorts and agencies.  I want to explain my idea and receive genuine, honest feedback.  I guess you could call this market research.

Possibly, I may also be looking for investment but that can wait until I'm sure I'm on to a good idea.

So, my question is this:  Short of doing a google for independent escorts and agencies, can you advise a better way of contacting people to try and get some feedback on my idea?

I appreciate that this may seem a random post in this forum, but I can assure you that I am quite serious and very confident that this idea can work.

Thanks for your help.

Feel free to email me directly at:[removed]
« Last Edit: 22 November 2014, 12:15:45 pm by amy »


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2014, 09:28:43 pm »
You can call me anytime between 1 pm- 10 pm mentioning saafe forum and I will help you if I can.
Google my forum name for phone number.

If other girls wish to help they can post here which method of contact they preffer.
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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2014, 09:35:19 pm »
Definitely. Don't forget to check our sites for our hourly rates first, or you might find you wind up with some big bills.

Or you could just read this thread: There's a post there with links to a dozen or so of the other punters/people who were going to 'revolutionise' an industry they had never worked in and knew nothing about.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2014, 09:39:03 pm by amy »


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #3 on: 31 May 2014, 04:13:18 pm »
I will happily give some advice.  It needs to have all the functions adultwork has as well as numerous staff available 24/7 to answer and fix any problems.  It needs to be as easily usable as AW.  It needs to have millions of pounds thrown at it to ensure there are no glitches or server problems or site running slow problems even when a few million people log on at the same time.   It needs to be untouchable by Ddos attacks.
It also needs all functions to be completely free until it has passed the usage of AW.  After all why would we pay to use anything if we can have better off of AW and reach far more men.

Basically you will have to build another adultwork with everything just the same or better (good luck with that) and then somehow get members to join whilst you employ dozens of staff to man the complaints you will receive in the hundreds all day every day.

You are too late to the party.  10 years ago you would have had a chance but now AW is already there you would have to actually pay people to come use your site.  AW has its faults but is so well known there would be no reason for any of us to decide to use your platform instead.  Perhaps give escorts free credits for everyday they use your site up until you actually have enough clients using it to make it pay for itself.

Also how would you stop all the fake profiles without removing genuine ones who someone reported as fake?  The only way you could be better than AW is to not have any fake profiles but where there is money to be made fake profiles will follow?
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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #4 on: 31 May 2014, 05:18:34 pm »
Thanks Dani, I get you!

But, what if I told you this is not a website?  In fact, it's a service.  In geek speak, it's known as a web-service, but at the end of the day, it's a service, which wil; benefit escorts, agencies and clients alike.

I won't say anymore publicly other than to say that this isn't a website and of course, you're absolutely right, anybody wanting to take on AW, would have to be very stupid, ambitious, rich, or all of the above!


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #5 on: 31 May 2014, 05:26:44 pm »
Hi Amy, and thanks for your advice.

I totally understand your attitude, especially given that I don't have any experience in the industry.  This is EXACTLY why I want to speak to people within the industry, to get advice.  Who knows, maybe my idea will fall flat on its face.  If I hear that message from enough people within the industry by reaching out here, I'll save myself the trouble and pull the plug on it.

However, I do "know" the industry from the other side.  I do know about customer service from my profession.  I do know about logistics and supply chain management (which this industry deals with) and I also know about the technical aspects to make my idea work.

Again, I DO understand your attitude.  All I'm looking for is for some people in the industry to talk to, explain my idea and get some honest feedback.

Thanks again


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #6 on: 31 May 2014, 05:39:19 pm »
That's fine, provided you understand that for the people on this forum, time is money.

If you're expecting them to give up their spare time to talk to you privately rather than participate in a discussion here whilst they're using the forum as they normally would, they will be (perfectly reasonably) expecting you to stump up some of yours.


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #7 on: 31 May 2014, 05:47:32 pm »
Amy, you raise an interesting pint, which naively, I hadn't considered.

With that in mind, and without giving away my idea, and also without knowing the specific rules of this forum, would I be permitted to ask some questions here about this industry and maybe even make some observations regarding the business side of this industry in the hope of garnering some feedback?

If not, I understand entirely and will of course, stump up the cash to pay for somebody's time.

Also, I would be very interested in hearing from any agencies out there interested in improving business.

I apologise for hijacking this forum in such a random manner and will accept whatever feedback or criticism I receive.



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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #8 on: 31 May 2014, 09:38:19 pm »
Well raising an interesting pint is one of my very favourite things to do, although I suspect that's not what you meant to type :).

Firstly, the agencies here you may have seen posting are present only as advertisers; like you, they may not post outside their own threads and nobody here bar you gives a flying fuck what they think about anything. If you want to talk to pimps (and punters too, since there are no prossies without them) then you need to sign up for a general industry discussion or punting forum and ask on there.

You can find answers to an awful lot of industry questions by reading the main SAAFE site and using the keyword Search box on the top right of this forum - virtually everything you would want to know will have been discussed at some point before, and people will be far more patient if you appear to have done at least a bit of legwork yourself (the 'Vivastreet' thread below this one, for example, would probably be worth a read). Quite a few of the members have links to their websites or Adultwork profiles too, if you want to get an idea of just how diverse the prostitution demographic is, and not just in terms of marketing.

Observations, you can probably keep to yourself for the time being.


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #9 on: 01 June 2014, 12:52:08 am »
The other thought is if you tell us more about what this service is, you'll save a lot of time (and quite possibly money).

If it's something that's so secret that it can't be discussed, that spells doom in itself - if it's that great but easy to take the idea and run with it, someone like AW with a lot more resources (computing, users, money) will quickly duplicate it and crush you. If it's that great, but not easy to do, telling us will just build demand for it.

As it is, the suspicion will be that you're thinking that everyone likes tea and chocolate, so the world needs a chocolate teapot.
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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #10 on: 04 June 2014, 08:09:35 pm »
Thanks Dani, I get you!

But, what if I told you this is not a website?  In fact, it's a service.  In geek speak, it's known as a web-service, but at the end of the day, it's a service, which wil; benefit escorts, agencies and clients alike.

I won't say anymore publicly other than to say that this isn't a website and of course, you're absolutely right, anybody wanting to take on AW, would have to be very stupid, ambitious, rich, or all of the above!

I cannot think of any service that we as escorts need that we cannot already get online.  we have advertising platforms which you say you are not going to be, We have warnings forums and ugly mugs, we can even have someone else answer our phones with a premium number and there are a few places that even say they can offer us security at a moments notice (impossible).  What else do we need.  As long as advertising, safety and security are taken care of there is nothing that will make you any money left.

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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #11 on: 30 August 2014, 08:43:29 pm »
OK, I'd like to try this again.  I do hope this thread isn't lost forever now.

I didn't reply last time because I was sending a fair bit of negativity either for me or my questions.  My fault, I've now grown a pair and have decided to come back for some more.

For the record, I'm a business man and I work in IT.  I happen to believe in this idea a lot and yes, it is completely new, regardless of what you may think.

Anyway, moving on...

This service would be aimed at independent escorts who are willing to work for (or be represented by) more than one agency.  So Lady A would be advertised on the websites of Agency 1, Agency 2 and Agency 3, etc.

When the client calls Agency 2 (for instance), they contact the escort, she tells them what she's doing, her schedule, etc., and the deal is struck.

Nothing new so far, but I'm just laying the details of who my service is aimed at.

Regarding the above scenario, there are a few "problems", which can be solved (sorry, that's IT speak, but you get the idea).

1. Your Profile

Every time you allow a new agency to advertise you, you need to go through the same process of giving them your pictures, telling them about yourself, explaining what you will and won't do, how much you charge, etc, etc.  If you're with more agencies, this can get time consuming and laborious.  Also, if any of these details should change, you need to let all of the agencies know.

2. Your Schedule

You probably have a schedule that you work fairly regularly.  Each agency needs to know this and the information needs to be communicated and updated.

In addition, for a number of reasons, your schedule may change.  Holidays, sickness, etc.  So the agency may think you're available on a specific day at a certain time but in fact, you're not.

OK, I WILL lay out my idea (if you haven't guessed it already) but I wanted to get some feedback on the stuff I've listed above.

Some of the "facts" I've listed above I KNOW are correct.  Others are assumptions.  It's these assumptions that I need to be clear on before fully evaluating my idea.

Would anybody care to comment or correct me?  I appreciate that you're all busy.  The only thing I can offer you at the moment is the promise of FREE use of my service, should it come to it.  Oh, I haven't worked out WHO will pay just yet but I'm currently leaning towards the agency.

More details will follow once I get a few constructive replies.

Thank you for your time



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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #12 on: 31 August 2014, 12:01:40 am »
More details will follow once I get a few constructive replies.

Oh dear, we'll never get them... ;D

This service would be aimed at independent escorts who are willing to work for (or be represented by) more than one agency.  So Lady A would be advertised on the websites of Agency 1, Agency 2 and Agency 3, etc.


OK, I WILL lay out my idea (if you haven't guessed it already) but I wanted to get some feedback on the stuff I've listed above.

Some of the "facts" I've listed above I KNOW are correct.  Others are assumptions.

It's quite difficult to see which are the correct ones, there are so many erroneous assumptions in there.

The biggest fail is not understanding what the word 'independent' means. Independent escorts don't use agencies - if they did, they wouldn't be independent.

Oh, I haven't worked out WHO will pay just yet but I'm currently leaning towards the agency.

Good luck with that one.

You are right that there are some escorts who use more than one agency, but asking an agency to pay money in order to make it easier for someone to use another agency as well as them is like thinking 'both Rangers and Celtic* fans like football, therefore they will both pay to use this service that will enable them to arrange nice chats about how much better the other's team is'. It is also distinctly rare for someone using more than one to be 'available' for them at the same time for reasons that should be obvious.

* Feel free to replace with West Ham and Millwall or any other rivalry where the people involved would rather stab each other than co-operate.
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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #13 on: 31 August 2014, 12:15:13 am »
Oh, you did get something right in a post that was removed for breaking the rules: IT can change industries. Your problem* is that it already has.

As with social networks - which have been around for much longer than fifteen years - some of the current big players won't be around in ten years time. But that doesn't mean that it's a good idea to start one now, because what will replace them on top of the pile is very, very unlikely to be yours unless you currently have more money than you know what to do with and are prepared to spend it until then.

* OK, 'amongst your problems'.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Looking for Advice
« Reply #14 on: 31 August 2014, 12:38:18 am »
I'm going to assume that the majority of people in this industry are not quite as blinkered, arrogant, narrow-minded and hostile as you. 

I came here asking for constructive feedback.  My idea involves a change in business model, which you're right, I'm not going to explain now because frankly, you've given me the impression that whatever I say here, will be shot to flames anyway. 

It's interesting, I get people asking me about my industry quite often. Sometimes the questions are what some people might consider naive.  However, I wouldn't dream of attacking them or their ideas in the way you have. 

As I said, I'm assuming that you're hostility is probably something to do with your personality so what I will do is go and talk to some people in the industry and yes, pay them for their time if necessary.  However, I've met some quite shrewd and enterprising people in the past who I suspect would probably see the potential value in listening and sharing ideas openly and logically. 

Good luck with your business.  You sound like a wonderful person.