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Author Topic: New London agency. Escorts needed  (Read 1242 times)


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New London agency. Escorts needed
« on: 16 May 2014, 06:25:20 pm »

We will be launching a new agency in June and we are currently looking for escorts. If you are interested in having us work for you then please email us

- You will decide what hours and days you work
- You will decide how much or how little work you want to accept from us
- You do not need to be "exclusive" to our agency in any way, we have no issues with how many other agencies you are registered with.
- You will not be paying any type of "joining" fee.
- You set your hourly, overnight rates etc (we expect most of our escorts rates to start at ?120-?150 per hour, but its up to you)
- We will be charging 20% commission for any clients that we find for you.
- We will be offering a bonus every month to our most successful escort.

We are looking for escorts with experience, who are over 18 years of age and who have recent professional photographs. There will be no age limit for escorts who would like to list with us. All races and nationalities are welcome. Not only should you take great pride in your appearance but you should also have a fantastic personality.

We will be arranging face to face meetings on the 23rd,24th,25th and 26th of May 2014 in Central London. The meetings will be very short and are just so that you can put a "face to a name" and so that we know you are not supplying us with dated or fake photos. If you are unable to make those dates, we can arrange for a skype call as long as you have a good internet connection and a good quality camera.

If you are interested in registering with us please email us

If this is not for you then thank you for reading and good luck

Take care



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Re: New London agency. Escorts needed
« Reply #1 on: 09 July 2014, 07:32:15 pm »
Hi folks,

I am aware that some of you have had issues with our casting form. In order for the form to send successfully, you must complete all boxes in the form. Please also send pics separately to You do not need to send face pics or show your face on your profile, However you will need to have a meeting before you can list.

Many thanks


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Re: New London agency. Escorts needed
« Reply #2 on: 06 August 2014, 09:10:10 am »
Hi folks,

We are having a commission sale. Any escorts who apply and are interviewed before the 10th of August will pay only 10% commission for the time that they list with us. After this time we will continue to charge our regular 20%

Any questions you can contact us:
[multiple links removed as per advertising rules]
07946 379 263

Many thanks
« Last Edit: 06 August 2014, 09:12:38 am by amy »