Firstly, you are allowed to mention Adultwork on here - this isn't Punternet.
Secondly, it isn't a strange request at all - most of us get at least one wannabe 'male escort' a week trying to get free sex by aiming to convince us that we'd be mad to turn down the chance to 'couples' bookings with him, despite not being a couple - I have no idea why, and can't imagine any have ever been successful. However, this site is not women-only, but since the demand for straight men is close to zero, they generally don't get any work so I realise it would be easy to suppose it was.
Thirdly, the Buddy Section is for people who are looking for security contacts and support, not to try and earn money from us, therefore I have moved your post here where you can post a link if you would like to, although I'm not sure it would be a great idea. If you want to have sex with a prostitute, I think you're likely to find that you have to pay the going rate like everybody else.
I do suggest that you read the
Straight Men thread in Questions and Answers.