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Author Topic: Mobile Website Optimisation  (Read 1023 times)

Make My Mobi

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Mobile Website Optimisation
« on: 06 August 2013, 06:40:25 pm »

I'm Mike from Make My Mobi.  We optimise web sites for mobile consumption.

You may already know that mobile browsing is rapidly overtaking desktop browsing.  Please don't take my word for it; there are endless articles on the internet and some hard figure stats from Google as well.

We are heading into an age where every website will be mobile friendly and the sites that are near the front of the queue will benefit from enhanced SEO and market positioning.

If you have a look at your website on your smart phone you will see what your average punter sees when he?s browsing in his hotel room, or using his mobile instead of his house/office computer because he thinks it's harder to interrogate the browser history on a mobile. 

If you have to pinch and zoom to find your way around the site, forget it.  Stats show that consumers would rather move onto to another site they can use easily than mess around trying to make a site work

Hopefully your site will look great on mobile, but if you feel that it doesn't represent you as well as it should, please get in touch and we'll do our very best to help.

Can you do it yourself?  Yes of course you can, you can get a mobile responsive wordpress template or similar and invest many hours to get an OK result, but is OK good enough for a primary marketing tool?

Please visit us at Our desktop site is a tongue in cheek homage to old fashioned websites and our mobile site illustrates some of the functionality available via the mobile platform.

If you are interested in optimising your mobile site, and would like us to help we are happy to chat and provide references and links to previous work.

Look forward to hearing from those that we can help.