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Author Topic: How would you feel about a new website for web/phone chat with immediate payment  (Read 3169 times)


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Hello Ladies
I'm a long time Escort and Dom over many years and work regularly as a  webcammer and Phone chat. Throughout the Pandemic as you know there was a big increase in the Webcam work  and sites like Only fans.
I too like many of you here found AW frustrating in that logging into their system is old and outdated plus the fact you 've to wait a week for payments is very annoying.
Having spoken to a couple of ladies here about perhaps changing things, How would anyone here feel about a new website purely for Webcam and Phone chat work where you can take payment direct from the client to yourself either via Paypal, Instant bank transfer, Cash App, Amazon Paysafe etc so you get paid immediately. You perform your webcam over Whats app video or Skype/Facetime.
You simply upload your profile,  set a one off price for the desired time E.G £25 /£30 for 10 mins or whatever you discuss with client and promote yourself with your own advert. NO hanging around waiting to collect AW credits, or otherwise.  The cost to advertise weekly would be no more than the price of a coffee and a cream cake!  My plan is to push the site via media channels to draw traffic.
I'd be keen to hear from you all or if you want to PM me I'll talk to you there.


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Thankyou Elaine
It's an interesting and appealing idea for me
I do much phone chat on aw and dosnt amount to much quickly.
What have you set up already?
Or is it in the idea stage now?


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I think payment methods would need careful consideration as PayPal are notorious for closing down sex work related accounts before releasing funds and I’m aware even with cashapp there can be issues.

While twitter can be tricky with sex workers and censoring accounts, many already advertise similar services and arrange payments with clients via that with no advertising costs.

There are other platforms to consider too that offer free advertising for webcam/online services/escort services but the plus of what you’re saying is that what you’d offer would be run for sex workers by sex workers and could be a massive draw. Would there be scope to offer something for FSSW’s too?


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Hi Rosie,
In essence, yes.
The whole idea is that we can accept payment direct from clients without having to go the regular way that AW operate it.
I have used Pay pal for over 10 years without issue and this past year I've successfully used  Revolut  and also accept online bank transfer plus I have a website that costs 20£ a month via Vistaprint that allows me to accept Debit/credit cards/Pay pal online. I state the purpose is Tarot readings on Pay pal although I was never actually asked by them what it was for.

The major plus of the site is in doing this and of course us ladies can form connections with the clients for any services there after I.E Video sales/bespoke/or meets later on.
I don't intend to publicise it primarily as an Escort sex worker site like AW although in principle that is what will happen.
The reason for this is that pushing it like that may not give it the due attention it needs in the media.  Sites like Onlyfans and Patreon are specific content selling sites and its important to emphasise that its primarily for Webcam and phone chat purposes.
Its a bit like Tinder or Grindr. I know of a number of people who tout sex for money on those platforms when they clearly state they're dating apps.


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There’s ten pages of search results on PayPal on here to show the associated risks with it being used for sex work - I honestly wouldn’t/couldn’t risk the possibility of having money I need for rent/bills etc being kept from me.


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I take all that on board but over all there are many payment methods to accept payments online. You won't be advertising your paypal address either. Either way its about having more control over taking your own payments.

Tina Sparx

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A few years ago I was using paypal for sex work payments.
1 client asked PP for a refund, and told them I was an escort and 'he didn't realise'.
Basically PP closed my account down, and kept the balance for 180 days before releasing back to me. That's 6 months!
I had just sold a Jet Ski and used PP. There was £7k in the account!
I tried like crazy to get the money back early, but even legal advisers in the UK said PP are a rule unto their own.
It took me about 18 months to get another PP account set up.
Personally, I would never use PP for any kind of SW payment again.
It costs a lot to look this cheap.


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Hi Tina.
Have you ever tried using Revolut? Its an app through your phone you link your bank account with?
Its about 75-80% of my payments come through that. Fully secure and no taking money back from Paypal.

Tina Sparx

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Yes I have seen Revolut.
I may sign up and see how it goes.
It costs a lot to look this cheap.


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But isn't a Revolut account created in a personal name? Or is there the ability to put it in a company name and give that to clients instead of a personal name? I know that Tide works in that way.


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You can choose to hide your name from the profile or just use your first name. Its no doubt about the best payment method  I've used.


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You can choose to hide your name from the profile or just use your first name. Its no doubt about the best payment method  I've used.

I’ve never used it but heard good things. I’ve got a Tide account and that was a breeze to set up - think I’d got that after SQ or someone else mentioned it.


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Shall we get back to whatever the thread is advertising? There are plenty of posts about remote payment options (including those mentioned above) on the board already :)


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Ok. Bottom line is as a Webcam lady who is fed up with AW and hanging around for payments The plan is to set up a new adult site advertising Webcam and Phone chat where you can charge direct via various payment methods, NO more waiting for featuring and waiting days to get paid. Lots of media in on it to drive traffic.
Please feel free to send me a PM and I'll keep you posted.
Miss Elaine


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It's an intriguing idea Miss Elaine, but having being involved in a number of disastrous "new tech" ventures over the years, I'd be asking:
What's your business model? How are you going to get paid?
You mentioned several payment methods that are very anti SW - how would you protect users from getting banned by those platforms?

Or have I misunderstood and you're proposing a directory type deal specifically for cam and phone?
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress