I am in the process of building a site for independent escorts to promote themselves. I am at the stage where I am prototyping the UX - or user experience - and need to form a group to test what works and what doesn't. I'm having difficulty finding escorts; you've all heard this kind of pitch before, and no doubt receive countless of pointless offers for web services in your inbox.
User research is critical, to get a site like this built correctly. I understand that there has always been ongoing chatter about creating a good, usable site for escorts. It isn't hard to understand why this aspect of the web hasn't been modernised along with everything else, but it poses a unique challenge, nonetheless. I am not a punter, but I build large scale websites for a living. It is important for me to get my approach right.
So, the site I'm building is being created from the ground up, with a focus on usability and "best practice" design (responsive to tablets and smartphones, higher visibility on search engines, etc) . I need to know what features escorts would like to see - which don't already exist on other sites - and features which do, and need to be improved. For instance, on a user's page, can a Like/Dislike section be tightened up to offer more valuable information?
I'd love to hear your thoughts. The sky's the limit, and I know you can be better served online.