I dont plan to use any of your content. Your content is your simply build my profile. As far as editing content goes a cms system like Wordpress or Squarespace can digest html given by me and let you edit it to your satisfaction.
I use Squarespace for my website. I designed the whole thing myself and I have to tell you that I did not need to use html at all unless I wanted to inject custom code to create special effects. In this instance, I was able to use google to find the code I needed. At no point in the process did I ever feel the need to consult someone directly. Regarding SEO, again, there are enough guides online to steer even the most uninformed individual. Also, Squarespace (and Wordpress for that matter), guides you through SEO, so again, your services really are not needed.
But, that is not the reason I would not ever consider your services. What is the real liability is your lack of attention to detail; your spelling and grammar is at best poor, something Amy pointed out in her first response to you. Personally, I just would not feel comfortable engaging the services of someone whose work is sloppy. If you can not even proof your own writing, why the hell should I and others trust you with our our profiles? First impressions count and sadly, you have not made a good one.
Still, I wish you well with your endeavours, although I advise you look at your own content before you begin to advise others about theirs.