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Author Topic: Yet another optimist who didn't read the advertising rules [was: Hello ladies]  (Read 2330 times)


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Hello ladies
My name is keith...and im from the usa looking for something looking to try and start a escorting business internationally and i came across your forum....i wanted to know the steps to take to make it successful....i would like to start overseas because it is legal and then work my ways to having private business clients in the usa, im willing to partner up with an experienced independent escort or an owner that wants to do work in the usa

If interested please reach me and ill send my facebook info for varification

Can you help
« Last Edit: 24 May 2016, 10:47:11 am by amy »


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No, we can't.

SAAFE is a support and advice resource for sex workers, not Pimping 101. The only way you could be legally involved in prostitution here is by jumping on a flight, getting on your knees and sucking some cock yourself although should you decide to do that by all means lets us know.

If your only interest is in earning your money from pimping out women you're as much a criminal here as you are in the US, and one thing the world does not need is the likes of you going global. If we want to work in the USA, we certainly don't need you to do that, either.


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There are enough brothels in Englans  ;D


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Hello ladies
My name is keith...and im from the usa looking for something looking to try and start a escorting business internationally and i came across your forum....i wanted to know the steps to take to make it successful....i would like to start overseas because it is legal and then work my ways to having private business clients in the usa, im willing to partner up with an experienced independent escort or an owner that wants to do work in the usa

If interested please reach me and ill send my facebook info for varification

Can you help

Well actually in the states its sooooo illegal it's unreal unless in that one state where it's legal to buy sex near Las Vegas

I mean in the states you can buy guns legally , have the death penalty  and you have DT as well but paid for sex is a big no no 😃

Apologies to any lovely Americans on here 😄