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Author Topic: Escort Website  (Read 2064 times)


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Escort Website
« on: 18 August 2012, 11:57:55 pm »
Hi everyone, quite a while ago i was approached to setup and design an escort website, but unfortunately partner in the venture who knew all the escorts pulled out when the website was near to completion.

The current website was not completely finished, but was very close to being finished.

I came across your site today and i was wondering if anyone was interested in using it? The site is live but when you view it you will see a few bugs here and there and how things are little odd or incomplete. I was the one who did all the coding for the site and i have all the code for it, all self designed and coded, the current escort models and information was provided by my partner in this venture.

To be honest i would like to run this site, it could be of benefit to everyone and make everyone some money, but here is my dilemma. I know you escorts are already using a number of other escorting sites to promote yourselves.

The site is not really much different from other escort sites, but i wanted to make it more than just a profile listing site, where escorts could attach twitter feeds, adult youtube video's, have reviews made about them (which must be authorised by the escort before being viewable, picture galleries etc).

Im not looking to charge escorts to sign up to the site or use it. But to be fair i would like to make a little something from the site. So everyone wins, no one gets ripped off.

What i would like to know is anyone interested in taking this further and using this site? I don't mind if it is individual escorts or entire agencies that want to manage their escorts on this site. I can customise the code if there are specific requests.

The only thing is that escorts would need to help manage advertising the site, i see each profile like a good profile but for escorts. Hence why i don't want to chart people to sign up to use it.

The site is setup in such a way that all elements even uploading photos can be done by the escort without any editing from me.

No charge for anyone to have a profile, but of course i would need help from everyone to advertise their own profiles which in turn would help advertise the site.

Now your thinking what i do i earn ? Well i was thinking that would be through donations from escorts signed up to the site, premium adverts for the escorts on the site. Just think of ebay, free to use, but if you sign up for your products to be advertised as a premium on the site, then that would be a small charge. These are just ideas, but hence this is why i have brought this to your attention as i would like to work out a fair and management arrangement so everyone gets a fair deal.

The site would be more than just an escort site.

I would like to add a section where escorts could be pointed to recommended contacts such as councillors etc, this would be a future addition, so the site would be more than just an escort listing directory, it would become more of a resource with the only services offered those verified by yourselves to ensure quality contacts are only offered !

This is the site:

If there is enough interest then i'll look for some escorts / escort agencies willing to work with me to arrange a fair deal as mentioned above so everyone gets what they want and to customise the site to their requirements.

Let me know what you think, if anyone is interested drop me a message and we can talk about it here on the forum. All comments / suggestions welcome.
« Last Edit: 19 August 2012, 12:01:30 am by sand101 »


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Re: Escort Website
« Reply #1 on: 19 August 2012, 12:48:15 am »
Just incase i did not make myself clear the goal of this website originally was not to be another directory listing, i want to turn it into more than a profile page, so that those that view your page can get to know more about you and hopefully keep returning to view your page to see your twitter feed, new photo's etc.


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Re: Escort Website
« Reply #2 on: 19 August 2012, 12:53:40 am »
Will these profile pages display our mobile number and links to our personal sites for free?

I can't honestly say I read the whole of the biblical epic above because it's late, but given that you've already said we can edit our own ads I think that's probably all anybody here is going to be interested in knowing. If I want to contact my local councillor I'll ring the Town Hall.

EDIT: Having looked at your link again, I think changing your name ought to be your first priority - it would be a pity to put lots of work into something just to have Apple stroll along and annihilate you for stealing it without even breaking stride. These folk might generate some confusion too.
« Last Edit: 19 August 2012, 01:03:48 am by amy »


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Re: Escort Website
« Reply #3 on: 19 August 2012, 01:03:32 am »
Will these profile pages display our mobile number and links to our personal sites for free?

I can't honestly say I read the whole of the biblical epic above because it's late, but given that you've already said we can edit our own ads I think that's probably all anybody here is going to be interested in knowing. If I want to contact my local councillor I'll ring the Town Hall.

Sorry about posting a bible this late, i'll keep this simple :)

Yes, the idea is basically like your facebook profile, the only information you would be registering with me (apart from photos) is on the registration page:


Each profile would look like this:


you can choose to display or not to display your telephone number, email address and website address. I would add or remove features escorts wanted / did not want.

The only catch is that i would need help from members to spread word of mouth of the site to everyone as to be honest i don't have the money for advertising this would be to other escorts to sign up to the site and to potential customers.

In return i would be willing to setup a dedicated forum for the site to answer questions for escorts about it and to work on improving it and adding features you want.

So that in the end each profile page does the job of a website, so that escorts don't have to pay to have a website.

Let me know what you think.

Link removed.
« Last Edit: 19 August 2012, 01:05:28 am by amy »


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Re: Escort Website
« Reply #4 on: 19 August 2012, 01:08:58 am »
EDIT: Having looked at your link again, I think changing your name ought to be your first priority - it would be a pity to put lots of work into something just to have Apple stroll along and annihilate you for stealing it without even breaking stride. These folk might generate some confusion too.

Yes i have noticed i would need to change the name of the site and domain name. This is why i want to work with escorts to create a site that they don't just want, but want to use and want to talk about.

I want to create a site that is simple, loads fast, at the moment the current site can be accessed from any web browser and any smartphone whether it is android, apple or anything else (last time i checked). So any client can view the site anywhere and escorts can edit and update the site using their laptop or phone etc.


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Re: Escort Website
« Reply #5 on: 19 August 2012, 01:18:12 am »
I don't use Facebook, and have no interest in doing so - I have a life and a business to run and no wish to spend the little free time I have sitting in front of a computer.

What we want is a straightforward advertising site where we can quickly and easily add and edit our own page and photographs, and display our contact details clearly so that punters can search the directory, find out whatever they want to about us, contact us easily and book appointments to see us. It doesn't need forums, flashing lights, bells and whistles or a pony. If it doesn't send us spammy emails daily that's a bonus too.

None of us need to pay for a website and there are ladies here who only use Adultwork, but in the event that we do it isn't necessary to pay for one, and a good personal site is far more valuable than dozens of random directory listings that all look the same. If you come up with a good looking, straightforward and easy to use site that punters can find us on that's all you need to do, but it won't be replacing anything, only adding to the long list that's there already. Have a look through the rest of this section if you don't believe me.

Oh, and you are only permitted one link in your ad, which is why I have removed the others. The Rules for Advertisers are Stickied at the top of this section.


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Re: Escort Website
« Reply #6 on: 19 August 2012, 03:25:11 am »
What we want is a straightforward advertising site where we can quickly and easily add and edit our own page and photographs, and display our contact details clearly so that punters can search the directory, find out whatever they want to about us, contact us easily and book appointments to see us. It doesn't need forums, flashing lights, bells and whistles or a pony. If it doesn't send us spammy emails daily that's a bonus too.

That was my plan the old K.I.S.S routine of programming (Keep It Simple Stupid), as i have always been taught :)

Regarding spammy emails, my site would not be emailing you daily, weekly or monthly trying to sell you stuff. The only emails you would get would be from clients and important emails from me, such as changes to the website, upgrades, if i have to take the site offline etc. But those i would like to limit to once a month from me. Client emails would be received whenever someone emails you.

None of us need to pay for a website and there are ladies here who only use Adultwork, but in the event that we do it isn't necessary to pay for one, and a good personal site is far more valuable than dozens of random directory listings that all look the same. If you come up with a good looking, straightforward and easy to use site that punters can find us on that's all you need to do, but it won't be replacing anything, only adding to the long list that's there already. Have a look through the rest of this section if you don't believe me.

I do believe you, there are more escort sites than i can ever count and even more that never made it. Thats why i wanted to approach running the site from a different angle, one that did not spam people, or annoy escorts (as i have read in places). I would like customer service to come first and simply being honest and open about the site, what it does, how it works etc. I have seen many which people here and on other sites disapprove off for obvious reasons which is how i am different.

Oh, and you are only permitted one link in your ad, which is why I have removed the others. The Rules for Advertisers are Stickied at the top of this section.

Sorry about that, will be more careful :) thanks for letting me know :)