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Author Topic: Are you an Escort?  (Read 5347 times)


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Are you an Escort?
« on: 25 April 2011, 06:56:41 pm »
Hi, if you are an individual escort try [removed]
Is a new portal, FREE, fast and easy to understand.
Is new, so at this moment, no one except my test profile is registered.

As a new one there are not a lot of features that will be available during the days, weeks... just the time to develop it.

But it work, you can build up your own profile going on the work with us area. Filling the form, an e-mail will be sent to you with an activation link, than you need only to fill up your information, upload atleast one picture (set a default picture if you have more than one) and you will be published in one second.

Soon there will be a section for Agencyes as well, always free!

EDIT: Could be that the activation link sent to your email goes in your spam folder, we are fixing this problem. Thanks.

« Last Edit: 30 November 2011, 12:27:45 pm by amy »


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #1 on: 26 April 2011, 12:10:40 am »

 Your 'Terms and Conditions' are interesting to say the least and how do you intend on policing the activities of the escorts listed ? Will you rely on information being passed on to you ? And in the case of 'complaints from clients' - what safety net do you should it be a false allegation ?  As for drug use  - would this be prescribed drugs too and what sort of  mental health issues are you referring to - it's a vast spectrum and not always problematic ?
Best advice I can give to any escort is have a sense of humour - it sees you through the most surreal of appointments.


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #2 on: 26 April 2011, 01:10:43 am »
As for drug use  - would this be prescribed drugs too and what sort of  mental health issues are you referring to - it's a vast spectrum and not always problematic ?

what?!  :o

I wont bother then lol  ::)

*have read now* Bloody hell even the whores are now being restricted by healt & saftey red tape!!
« Last Edit: 26 April 2011, 01:46:23 am by Friday »


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #3 on: 26 April 2011, 12:04:26 pm »
You may wish to familiarise yourself with escorting before going any further as this line taken from your terms prevents escorts from actually using your site.

The Service provided by us is for individual registered members only and may not be used by businesses for commercial purposes.

Of course if I'm wrong and you could show me an escort not running a business and not advertising for commercial purposes ill happily shut up and step away from the keyboard.


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #4 on: 26 April 2011, 02:08:13 pm »

this is a free use of a web portal for Escorts and in future for Agencies as well.

As individual Escort you need to be sure about your self, my term and condition are there just becouse if something happen it will not my problem, just your.

Same for Agencyes that got theyr policyes.

So. If Escorts want to try this new portal is free to do and use that. The motivation is only one, who is back to this website are senior web developer, we are sure that soon this web site will be full of new features and the important thing is that will be in the first 3 places on search engines. Just becouse we builded it by ourself and not using a content management system like ALL the other Escorts web portals. Full of banners, full of texts and many other things.

Our website is and will be always clean, fast and secure.

I repeat, with the T&C I want just be far away from problems, every kind of.


EDIT: I always remember you that the email with your activation link could be in your "spam" folder. We are working to fix these little issues.
« Last Edit: 26 April 2011, 02:12:04 pm by Escortslounge »


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    • I should be updating this instead...
Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #5 on: 26 April 2011, 08:13:11 pm »
As individual Escort you need to be sure about your self, my term and condition are there just becouse if something happen it will not my problem, just your.

Same for Agencyes that got theyr policyes.

So. If Escorts want to try this new portal is free to do and use that. The motivation is only one, who is back to this website are senior web developer, we are sure that soon this web site will be full of new features and the important thing is that will be in the first 3 places on search engines. Just becouse we builded it by ourself and not using a content management system like ALL the other Escorts web portals. Full of banners, full of texts and many other things.

The terms and conditions look to have been largely taken from one of the scam sites. This is not good.

It would also help if you had someone check for spelling and grammar mistakes. They will be quite busy.

If everyone else is using a CMS, you might ask yourself why they're doing so.

Here endth the free advice.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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New free directory up!
« Reply #6 on: 30 November 2011, 11:46:55 am »

We wrote here one year ago and now we're back to inform that we worked hard to build a new website, with many new features and totally free!

Our new website is different from all other Escorts directory, here you can manage your profile, adding all your main information, pictures and videos!

Now we published a Beta version, so, not all our features are live! We hope to have many subscriptions before start our Google advertising and start to have interested visitors....

What we'll add soon is:
  • Agency free directory (now we accept only independent Escorts)
  • Featured Escorts
  • Your profile will be like on Facebook, with a wall for your live updates
  • Chat between clients and other Escorts
  • and much more...

We hope you find this project interesting and we hope to see you soon there!

Feel free to contact us for help and support, for suggestions or general website problems! Thank you all.

Kind regards,
Escorts Lounge staff


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #7 on: 04 December 2011, 10:25:51 pm »
I haven't clicked on the link, I'm sure it's still a load of crap, but you have to admire the shining optimism  ;D


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #8 on: 05 December 2011, 06:29:08 pm »
I am bored senseless being home ill so took a look.  This has to be the worst one yet. It is appallingly slow to load, and looks like a child has made it (scrap that my childs website is far more professional).  Sorry but definately not for me and not one I could recommend to any of my working friends either.

If you want girls to use your site, it needs to look attractive first of all.  It needs an easy to use system for us to edit our profiles and most of all it needs a much better designed data base.  If I was you I would just either scrap the idea or build something that at least attempts to be usable
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #9 on: 06 December 2011, 02:57:04 pm »
It is slow, we know that and we are working to change our hosting provider.

But, how you can say that our website is not attractive and easy to use if you didn't try that?? You are not registered and you don't know how it work. And maybe, you're still talking about our old website.

Take a look at the new one, try to register and complete your profile, than I can remove your profile if you're not satisfied..

« Last Edit: 06 December 2011, 03:17:12 pm by Escortslounge »


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #10 on: 06 December 2011, 03:31:13 pm »
What an excellent response....

You specify that the site is fast but when queried you admit you know it's slow.
You ask for feedback yet when your design skills are commented on you insist it is 'perfect'
You're told the functionality is cumbersome and then insult someone who has kindly provided her time and opinion free by insisting that all your 'noob' friends have no problems at all.

When your website IS number 1 on Google I look forward to paying handsomely to advertise. Until then though your unique approach to customer care and your lack of attention to spelling and grammatical errors are jointly persuading me that Escorts Lounge dont need my profile or my opinion. Luckily you've already said that 'this doesn't matter for us' so <phew> my conscience is clear.



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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #11 on: 06 December 2011, 04:33:45 pm »
It is SUPER-SLOW, even though nobody's even using it yet! Not good. I don't actually mind the design; it's not terribly cohesive but it's at least unobtrusive. The search looks like it could be decent. However... this:

When your website IS number 1 on Google I look forward to paying handsomely to advertise.

I won't be registering until it's a little higher on Google for the keywords that apply to me, either. Speaking of keywords - is "independent escort London" not something you thought important?! Cos the market for "cheap escort London" is probably full of people who aren't going to pay you ?100 for a featured listing, not now, not tomorrow and not ever. And if your site becomes chock full of a billion over-airbrushed agency profiles then it'll be even more pointless for indies to register on.

More proof-reading definitely needed. Get a native English speaker on the team if you're going to aim your website at the English market.
Disclosure: The other person behind

Holly T

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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #12 on: 17 December 2011, 12:06:00 am »
Alpha comes before Beta!  I'd suggest that you re-brand the site to an Alpha site as Beta suggests that it's up and running at optimum level and you're fixing bugs as they arise rather than having a list of things that needs to be done. /enduselessyetgeekysoftwaredeveloperinput

Edit: You may also wish to disable right click or do something that stops people stealing pictures, So screen shots can be taken anywhere but it's just a suggestion.
« Last Edit: 17 December 2011, 12:12:10 am by Holly G »


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #13 on: 17 December 2011, 01:26:36 pm »
Also, you might want to remove the descriptive term RANDOM for escorts.  It's a bit offensive to be honest.  Maybe try INDEPENDENT perhaps?  ::)


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Re: Are you an Escort?
« Reply #14 on: 19 December 2011, 01:21:49 am »
Haha really? I like that, I'm going to use it. Sarah Harris - Random Escort. It sounds like someone who just jumps on guys in the middle of Tesco....