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Author Topic: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry  (Read 12778 times)


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #30 on: 02 July 2016, 07:28:52 pm »
It's an interesting idea but it's going to succeed or fail based on the (perceived) readiness of the operating staff to take action when someone doesn't answer their text/call.

Have you scoped out how many staff you'd need at each hour of the day in order to deal with making those calls (most of which will thankfully be false alarms, but need to happen)?

How much automation are you using here versus human checking and oversight?

I'd be happy to participate in testing. Send me a PM if I can help. I have a background in call centre planning so might be useful ;)
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #31 on: 03 July 2016, 11:26:07 am »
Many many thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately as an advertiser I am unable to send or receive PMs (for understandable reasons).

Have you scoped out how many staff you'd need at each hour of the day in order to deal with making those calls (most of which will thankfully be false alarms, but need to happen)?

We believe our staff will be ready for this, the logic of it is that we will already have operators in place for our other call work (which was the original thread) covering indies and a couple of escort agencies however unlike that work which could have downtime we will need to ensure theres at least one person always on shift as such (Id say that we need to also review that "one" person should there be a big demand, if weve got 50 escorts on the system then the chances of 2 having issues at the same time are minimal however 500, 1000 etc then the risk increases. This is one of the factors we need to ensure are correct and why we need to look at what is a sensible point to get worried. Im wary that 30mins could easily be an extension and in a good booking could be very easy for an escort to forget to create an extension and not hear the text notifications. At the same time however you dont really want to leave it for hours before raising the alarm, this is where we bow to your experience and knowledge.

The system is quite clever though in that once it gets to ringing an operator for assistance it calls all of the operators we have on shift at that point in time, so there may be 2, 3, 10 phones all ringing at the same point in time and the 1st to answer takes the call. If nobody answers then it will continue making the calls but also including the personal numbers of trusted people we have here including myself. No matter what time it is, someone should answer.

How much automation are you using here versus human checking and oversight?
Apologies, I may have misunderstood the above, if my reply below doesnt make sense in relation to your question please let me know.

The initial part is all automated however once it is passed to an operator then everything from that point onwards will be the operator personally dealing with it, theyll have automated tools to help them such as telling the system to keep resending texts every x minutes while they continue to try calling etc. To be honest this part of the process however is still fairly open, weve done the techie coding stuff but its bits like this that we need the members on here to help us with. Are there other things you think could be done at this stage? for instance we could have as part of the registration process a number of names and numbers of personal friends, colleagues etc that we could contact to help us trace the person in question. These are all thoughts though, maybe you would see that as a step too far? or an invasion of privacy?

The basic operator process we saw would be as follows however each incident would be different and would be open to the operators common sense.

1. Try numerous attempts to call escort on all numbers we hold.
2. Try calling the client a few times.
3. Possibly contact friends and associates.
4. "Technically" we could build up a list of trusted people in areas who you could send to the clients address to assess the situation, although this seems extreme its less intrusive than the next step potentially being a police officer calling.
5. Contact authorities.

Like I say, once its gone to an operator then its fluid, take whatever steps the operator thinks fit for the circumstances.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #32 on: 03 July 2016, 10:16:41 pm »
Okay. The minimum available operators you'd need for each shift would be two. Because each of those people is going to need to go for toilet breaks, make a cuppa, etc. They will also need to coordinate with each other in order to make sure there's always phone cover. That means you might need to pay them more than you may have been anticipating because you will need people who understand the urgency of the situation.

I didn't realise you couldn't PM - if you post your email addy I'll send you a mail to discuss further.
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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #33 on: 03 July 2016, 10:40:50 pm »
Please feel free to use the contact form on our site (link in the profile) if you require further info.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #34 on: 04 July 2016, 01:44:21 pm »
Okay. The minimum available operators you'd need for each shift would be two. Because each of those people is going to need to go for toilet breaks, make a cuppa, etc. They will also need to coordinate with each other in order to make sure there's always phone cover. That means you might need to pay them more than you may have been anticipating because you will need people who understand the urgency of the situation.

I didn't realise you couldn't PM - if you post your email addy I'll send you a mail to discuss further.

We will definitely look at that however if the cost per user is too much then that would reduce the number of people using the service. Its not until you do the maths for 24hour cover that it hits home. For example, say we were paying a rate of ?10 per hour, thats ?240 per day which means that we'd need a constant usage of 365 users paying ?20 per month in order to pay the wage bill for a single operator cover 24hrs a day 365 days a year. A lot of the time however that isnt applicable because we will have cover as part of our "other work" but say we hit a quiet period then it would have to kick in. If however we had 365 users then Id probably expect more than 1 operator would be required anyway  The plus point of course is that these operators arent sitting in an office environment, theyre working from home and generally have spare time to do things in between calls.

Because the operators would be remote it may be that we pay a commission basis on the calls and have say 10/20/30 operators all available to take just these types of calls at any point in time. That means they dont have to be at home waiting on a call, it comes through, one of them picks it up and deals with it. The initial part of that could be done anywhere technically, out walking, shopping etc. They may then need to pass over a later stage to someone who is sitting at a desk but those things could be worked out.

What also may be an idea however is to add in an additional text or call at the 3rd text stage ie when it sends the final request to the escort it also sends texts to all the available operators warning them that there is potentially going to be a call coming through in 10mins. This would give operators time for a comfort break, make a cuppa, maybe agree between those on shift who will take it etc. It would also give an early warning to start preparing things such as working out where the booking was, do we have someone nearby to go out there if needed, those sort of things.

There are many ways we could do this, its getting the right combination at the start thats going to be important.

Im still surprised though that nobody has pointed out any potential flaws yet, I know that based on the limited info I posted there appears to be one major one.