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Author Topic: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry  (Read 12775 times)

Adult Call Takers

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Adult Call Takers are a National, female owned and ran business who aim to provide our clients (sex workers) a virtual office.

We provide our clients with their own unique divert number that they use when ever they are not able to take these calls themself.  You simply click a button on our phone app and your phone will be diverted. These calls are then identified through our telephony system to belong to that specific lady, we can programme in your regular clients, filter out any timewasters or dangerouse regional and national clients from our national (constantly growing database)  record and log all calls for you, manage your diary for the time you are using our service. 

Some clients use us on an 'as and when' basis, switching off and on when it suites them, some use us while they are on holiday so they can come back to a diary full of bookings. We also have clients that hand over their phones to us completely.  It's completely up to the individual as to the level of involvement you wish us to have.

We charge a minimal monthly 'membership fee' that allows you to transfer to us and use our system and dependant on the level of service you require, we are happy to tailor you your own package chargeable either or by 'hours used', 'calls taken, 'booking comms' or a mixture of all three.  You are the client, we provide you with exactly what you need, when you need it.

We also offer lots of free, useful industry  advice for our clients, providing daily assistance on many levels and subjects.

Please feel free to use the contact form on our site (link in the profile) if you require further info. You will not receive any unsolicited contact as a result of requesting further info.

Many Thanks

Adult Call Takers


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #1 on: 15 September 2015, 01:32:35 pm »
Your site links need a going over - I got two 404 errors in as many clicks.

[...] record and log all calls for you,

Are you saying that you will be recording punters calls without their knowledge and consent, or will you be asking them for permission? I can't see many giving it - will you also be making it clear that you are a third party answering service and that they're not speaking to the woman they thought they were calling?

We also offer lots of free, useful industry  advice for our clients, providing daily assistance on many levels and subjects.

Could you expand on this for us, please?


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #2 on: 15 September 2015, 03:12:07 pm »
I only got 404 errors from your site so I can't get in to access it.

I am also interested to know about the 'industry advice' you can give. 

Also, how will you deal with client enquiries?  As Amy said, are you going to be saying you are a third party or just taking the call and letting the client think it's the lady they phoned?  What if they want prices and details, would you just take a message and the lady would need to call back?

When someone calls and says 'How much to suck my cock?' how would you answer that?  Likewise when someone calls and says 'My cock is big and hard...oh how would you like my precum running down your throat while I face fuck you?  (Which is mild), how would you deal with that?

Or is it an automated message the client receives?

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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #3 on: 15 September 2015, 04:27:17 pm »
Hi Amy, Curvygal

Apologies, we had some updates done last night that caused the issue, all should be fixed now, thanks for picking that up.

First answer regarding the recording of calls. Should any of our clients request that we implement 'real time' call recording due to situations of stalking or worries that their clients could be someone they know then yes, we would most definitely play a recorded statement to inform the caller that their conversation may be recorded.  Because all of our clients are assigned their own personal line we are able to record the mount of calls for them, log the call types, the times of calls and other stats. When passed back to our client, these stats can provide useful and give you a good insight to plan your work time, for example, if over a period of 4 weeks you can see from the stats we provide that calls resulting in appointments are minimal between the hours of 2-3pm you can then plan to spend that time differently maybe.  You may notice that in a period of 3 months that you may get 1 week in every 5 that is quieter, a better time for you to take holidays for example. The stats we can provide can help you to maximise your earning potential, freeing up your time. Because this info is coming directly from the telephony system they are far more accurate than manually compiled.

How do we deal with client enquires? For starters, we will not pretend to be you, but, also, we will not openly advertise we are a third party.  Our professional, industry experienced call handlers simply answer with "Good Morning/Good Afternoon, how can I help?

When our clients sign up with us we take all of their details, we log their website and Adultwork details so that the call handler has them to hand during all of their calls.  Our clients are given access to our phone app that contains a personal interactive diary. All we ask is that our clients add any pre booked appointments in to the diary before you divert to us. This means we do not double book you. It also means we can add clients bookings directly to their calendar, including all of the client details.

We would take complete ownership of each call. We would not discuss services on behalf  of but using info and websites provided by the client we could advise on availability, price and then refer the caller to the clients website for the 'finer' details.

Because you are assigned your own personal line, when someone calls your normal mobile number, when you are diverted to us, when the call comes through on our system it flashes up on the screen which client it is for along with our clients details.

All of our call handlers, myself included are ex industry and have been sex workers for many years so questions such as mentioned will not faze us at all and we have a very professional bank of answers for these.  We also have a large and ever growing database of Timewasters, Sext pests and dangerous which will automatically flag up as the caller rings so we can cut out an awful lot of dross.  Also, as previously stated, our handlers are very experienced call takers.

Industry Advice? - We currently liase with professionals who work directly with sex workers, support workers, health workers, finance support and the police, we are in a good position to relay this info back to anyone requesting assistance.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #4 on: 15 September 2015, 05:25:16 pm »
So basically we're going to need the punters to call us directly anyway to sort out services, directions to our incall premises and so forth? Not that I would ever agree to see somebody I hadn't spoken to myself - no two people's screening is the same, after all.

I can't see many indies being interested, although I suppose agency workers making the transition (and who are already comfortable with third parties sending them punters they've had no say in) and ditto punters who are used to dealing with agencies/third parties, but they're not the punters who call me. Personally, my phone's call blocker/autoresponder app takes over when I'm busy and suits me fine.

Surely if what people are paying you for is actually arranging bookings, this would fall foul of the 'Controlling Prostitution For Gain' legislation? Maids and receptionists have been arrested and prosecuted for doing exactly the same thing, after all.

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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #5 on: 15 September 2015, 06:05:35 pm »
So basically we're going to need the punters to call us directly anyway to sort out services, directions to our incall premises and so forth? Not that I would ever agree to see somebody I hadn't spoken to myself - no two people's screening is the same, after all.

I can't see many indies being interested, although I suppose agency workers making the transition (and who are already comfortable with third parties sending them punters they've had no say in) and ditto punters who are used to dealing with agencies/third parties, but they're not the punters who call me. Personally, my phone's call blocker/autoresponder app takes over when I'm busy and suits me fine.

Surely if what people are paying you for is actually arranging bookings, this would fall foul of the 'Controlling Prostitution For Gain' legislation? Maids and receptionists have been arrested and prosecuted for doing exactly the same thing, after all.

So basically we're going to need the punters to call us directly anyway to sort out services, directions to our incall premises and so forth? Not that I would ever agree to see somebody I hadn't spoken to myself - no two people's screening is the same, after all.
No, upon signing with us the client would give us their full details, address, postcode, location for their client  to confirm from, all the usual details other than visually seing them would be delt with us during the period your forwarded to us. The whole ethos of our service is that we deal with the call from start to finish.  I understand it's not going to be a service that suites everyone, but it is a service that's becoming popular.

Surely if what people are paying you for is actually arranging bookings, this would fall foul of the 'Controlling Prostitution For Gain' legislation? Maids and receptionists have been arrested and prosecuted for doing exactly the same thing, after all.
Without appearing cocky, we are well within the law with our service and we are fully aware of what current legislations state. As I mentioned previously, we will be having no involvement with supplying info on services, for this the caller will be directed back to your profiles or websites. We are simply a third party who take incoming bookings as requested by the client. This would be the case for any client who decides to use our service.

Once again, we appreciate that this service won't be everyone's cup of tea, however, there are many ladies who feel forced to work for an agency because they can not afford the luxury of being able to answer their phones.  Some simply don't want the hassle but want to remain working indipendant.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #6 on: 15 September 2015, 06:22:29 pm »

No, upon signing with us the client would give us their full details, address, postcode, location for their client  to confirm from

Not sure I understand..
Do you require our address?
Random idle thoughs...Can I manage 100 sit ups a day for a year...?

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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #7 on: 15 September 2015, 07:13:37 pm »
We would need the address of where you want your clients to turn up if you are doing incalls.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #8 on: 15 September 2015, 07:38:37 pm »
Without appearing cocky, we are well within the law with our service and we are fully aware of what current legislations state. As I mentioned previously, we will be having no involvement with supplying info on services, for this the caller will be directed back to your profiles or websites.

With the best will in the world, that is not correct - you are taking payment for directly arranging bookings between prostitutes and punters. It's nothing to do with what you talk about on the phone (and if you won't discuss services, how am I to know if a punter wants anal, or some other service that needs preparation?) and everything to do with what actually happens.

The fact that it's unlikely anyone will care is by the by, and it just sounds like a basic textbook agency model (complete with meaningless 'we thought it was just time and companionship, honest' disclaimer) without the advertising?

We would need the address of where you want your clients to turn up if you are doing incalls.

That's fine if you're just directing people to Earls Court tube and then telling them to phone, but it's not always that simple - many punters who visit me aren't familiar with my locale and my landmark has to be reached on foot, which means they need parking information and proper directions?

Will there be a facility to allow certain numbers straight through for us to answer? I can't imagine my regulars being impressed if they ring me and their call is picked up by some stranger in a call centre.

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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #9 on: 15 September 2015, 08:44:10 pm »
Current legislation for the UK clearly states that the act of Prostitution is not illegal, however, certain aspects such as 'pimping', soliciting, trafficking and yes, as you rightly state, controlling prostitution for gain. According to the law, to control someone in these circumstances is to force them to do something. Our service is clearly not in that category. We do not publicise or promote services offered by any of our clients. They employ us, not the other way around.

We all work on the same proviso in this industry, like it or not and that is 'all monies paid to the girl are for time and companionship only'. We don't act as an agent, we don't supply working flats, we don't supply drivers and we don't advertise for 'punters'

As I've said before, our service won't suit everyone, particularly yourself. However, should you wish to try it out we are more than happy to pop you on the waiting list for a free week trial.

There is no over ride system for regular clients that allows you to 'drop out' for their calls. We can however set up 'regular' lists so we can adapt the call handling skills to those. But, considering that this service is generally used by clients who are unable to answer their calls because they are either in an appointment, on holiday or at any other inoportune moment then, you screening your own calls wouldn't be part of the equation.

We have worked with many busy escorts on developing this system and we've managed where possible to cover most scenarios but for some, our service simply won't be for them.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #10 on: 15 September 2015, 08:48:05 pm »
Sounds like more hassle than taking your own calls. Not for me


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #11 on: 15 September 2015, 08:55:38 pm »
You say you are all ex industry? But I find this very hard to believe. If you have ever been an indie escort, you surely know that speaking to clients yourself, asking the questions, gatherting the details, are all incredibly important in keeping yourself safe. A third party call centre can't tell you if you'll get a bad gut feeling talking to a potential punter can it? I'm pretty sure the service you are offering is what they invented voicemail for... It doesn't process to me that anyone who has worked as an ex indie escort would think our way of working has any need for this service...

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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #12 on: 15 September 2015, 09:02:28 pm »
I myself have been an indie escort for the past ten years, my current team are also experienced ex agency and indies. I personally would never promote a service that I wasn't 100% confident was safe. But, not everyone will feel the same and for that I respect. Our service is simply an alternative to what is currently out there.


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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #13 on: 15 September 2015, 09:05:00 pm »
Current legislation for the UK clearly states that the act of Prostitution is not illegal, however, certain aspects such as 'pimping', soliciting, trafficking and yes, as you rightly state, controlling prostitution for gain. According to the law, to control someone in these circumstances is to force them to do something. Our service is clearly not in that category. We do not publicise or promote services offered by any of our clients. They employ us, not the other way around.

We all work on the same proviso in this industry, like it or not and that is 'all monies paid to the girl are for time and companionship only'. We don't act as an agent, we don't supply working flats, we don't supply drivers and we don't advertise for 'punters'.

No, 'control' in this context (the context being Section 53 of the Sexual Offences Act, which came into play in 2004), only means doing something which directly results in somebody else engaging in prostitution, which includes telling them that they have a booking at X time or in X place. It's nothing to do with forcing anybody to do anything - I've no idea who's told you this, but if you paid them I would ask for your money back. Agencies don't all supply premises or drivers, nor do they employ the people who engage them, either - sex workers are self-employed.

I'm not sure who or what you mean by 'we', but the people here are very comfortable with the fact that they offer sexual services in exchange for payment, and those payments are organised in units of time rather than per service. This is perfectly legal, and the reason we don't advertise rates at (say) ?50 for a shag or ?30 for a blowjob or whatever is because it would be impossible to keep a bookings diary organised without knowing how long each punter would be there.

If I book a 30 or 60 minute massage, I'm still paying for the massage; choosing whether to have one for 30 or 60 minutes is purely so that the masseuse can plan her day and inform others of her availability. Selling sex is no different.

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Re: Adult Call Takers 'virtual' Office solutions for the Adult Industry
« Reply #14 on: 15 September 2015, 09:35:31 pm »
I have had my info directly from CPS sources but thank you your input.

When I/we refer to 'us' in any posts we are referring to Adult Call Takers.

It is clearly obvious that our service is not suitable for you, as it may not be for others also.

Thanks Again