I recently bought the Elust website. It's a monthly collection of sex related blog posts. Everyone who contributes a post, publishes the complete edition for that month on their own blog. All posts must be less than one month old. It's a great way for your posts to reach a wider audience. If you submit a post and 20 other people submit links for the month, that means your link is now appearing on all of those adult themed blogs each with it's own audience. Great for SEO since you'll be getting a lot of links to your site from other sex and sexwork related sites. The Submission form for Elust 137 is now open. Please send in your sexy blog posts before midnight on 15th to be included in Elust 137 to be published on 22nd. https://elustsexblogs.com/2021/05/01/elust-137-open-for-submissions/