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Author Topic: About secure messaging between you and your clients?  (Read 6144 times)


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Re: About secure messaging between you and your clients?
« Reply #15 on: 02 June 2011, 12:48:50 pm »
$20 for 10 clients?!  :o

Most clients we speak to once and im assuming that would have to be set up with the client?

Completely useless.  ::)


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Re: About secure messaging between you and your good clients?
« Reply #16 on: 02 June 2011, 06:03:32 pm »
If you need work, we can give you advice here about selling blowjobs, but we really can't support your attempts to deceive and rip off sex workers. You ought to really consider where you're posting before getting all upset that nobody agrees with you - otherwise I might as well pop over to mumsnet and ask if anyone knows whether their husband fancies a paid shag today. ::)


Thanks for all of this thread. Amy and Emily you are legends! Needed a laugh!

Coty xxx


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Re: About secure messaging between you and your clients?
« Reply #17 on: 02 June 2011, 07:49:12 pm »
If you want a real ribtickler, check out the website  ;D.

I'm still trying to work out which 'deep end' I'm supposed to be in, bearing in mind I was posting last night from the Bella Italia in Inverness and there wasn't one immediately evident there. Then again, I suspect our Richard's too busy blacking the windows and wrapping Bacofoil around the television to concern himself with the real world of inconvenient details. Bless.

What I'd really like to know, have asked (albeit obliquely) several times and still have not had an answer to is in the event that our communications are all being monitored (which I have no particular problem believing, just as with everything I search Google for/buy with a credit card/make a mobile phone call about), why the hell does he think we should care?

As Emily said, I might as well worry about people rummaging in my Kindle account for the all the use it would be to anybody, since none of us are doing anything wrong. What does he suppose these shadowy figures are going to do with a phone call arranging an hours' shagging tomorrow afternoon at three, for an agreed fee of ?X? And as Ian has covered the glaring omissions in the website more than adequately, there's no need for me to.


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Re: About secure messaging between you and your clients?
« Reply #18 on: 03 June 2011, 03:09:02 pm »
Lets compare two escort businesses Sally's and Jennifer's. Clients depend upon both Sally and Jennifer being discrete and protecting their privacy. Sally and Jennifer both want a certain income and to be able to quit or retire when the time is right. They however choose two different routes to get there.

Sally's route is to use the telephone and email to maintain contact and bookings with her clients. Sally's method works and has for many years, so she is not worried. Sally is confident she will do okay and she will.

Jennifer however decides to go down a different route. Jennifer decides to offer each client their own private, secure, and secret messaging channel for contacting her and booking her services. Jennifer knows she can guard her clients privacy far better than Sally can. Jennifer makes sure her clients understand this. Jennifer has gained a distinct advantage over Sally. Jennifer's clients can conveniently contact her anytime confidant no-one can find out. Sally cannot make that claim. Jennifer tells her clients she must contact them every few months so their secret messaging channel stays active. Jennifer has gained another advantage over Sally, her clients expect her to contact them once in a while. They know her messages are in secret. Nice addition to her business, direct marketing to her clients without any risk for anyone. When Jennifer contacts her clients they receive a disguised alert that if seen by someone else just looks like junk. Her clients however know it is her.

Jennifer also gains a subtle but powerful extra. Her clients can refer friends to her without any reservations thru her secret secure messaging channel. Jennifer can respond and ask her clients more about the referral with little effort. Once she decides the referral is a good client she adds gives him a secret secure messaging channel too. Jennifer can, if she wishes, give those two clients their own secret secure messaging channel they can use to message each other (at no extra cost to herself). That helps tie her clients together and to herself. Sally has no ability to do this.

Jennifer meets Monique a newer escort and they strike up a friendship. They think they may work together or share clients. Jennifer offers Monique a secure, secret and private message channel. Monique questions Jennifer and they find they are both on our system so they make a channel between themselves (at no extra cost to either). Jennifer and Monique decide to tell all their clients they are working together using their secure, secret and private messaging channels. Their clients are surprised and happy, business increases. Along the way Anastasia in California, Bristol and Sherry in London, Alisha in New York and other escorts all make secret and private message channels between themselves. They work independently but sometimes refer traveling clients to one another.

Time goes on and Jennifer wants to retire or semi retire from the business. She talks to Monique and suggests Monique adopt her clients. They agree on an adoption arrangement for most of Jennifer's clients and approach us to do the adoptions. We do this. Jennifer's clients do not know of the adoption. Monique could even adopt Jennifer so Jennifer remains able to use her secure private messaging channels without cost. Or Jennifer could keep a few clients she particularly likes. When Jennifer is satisfied she simply stays logged off and in 91 days or so disappears into her new chosen life.

Long before that, Jennifer was in a far better business position than Sally.

 That Ladies is what our secure, secret and private messaging system can do for you.

Ask me questions I will answer them here.

« Last Edit: 03 June 2011, 03:24:38 pm by SecurityMatters »

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Re: About secure messaging between you and your clients?
« Reply #19 on: 03 June 2011, 03:30:09 pm »
Your post is crap, as is the service you're trying to flog. You're not the first person to try and sell this kind of rubbish and you won't be the last. I resent you coming to an escorts only forum looking to profit from scaremongering  hard-working service providers whose system works for them, a system that has worked for many years, so they could buy your services. You still haven't answered many of the questions posed to you, therefore you no longer have a platform.

You cannot provide a valid argument for ladies to take advantage of your business. Your link was to a newspaper article from two years ago. A proposal that never came to fruition. Google David Icke, your posts are reminscent of his ramblings. People didn't take much notice of him either.