I would never allow that to happen and if I did I would end up banged up in prison pretty fast! I want to do this entirely above board to ensure that neither myself nor the escorts and punters that use this service get into trouble.
Then I suggest you familiarise yourself with the 2003 Sexual Offences Act, specifically Section 53 - Controlling prostitution for gain. As a third party taking direct payment (gain) for arranging meetings between prostitutes and punters (control), that's exactly what you are doing. There's no question of either us or our clients 'getting into trouble' because unlike you, we're not breaking the law.
I haven't read the whole thing because I'm so sick to death of these clueless
punters idiots and their next big idea That Will Change Our Lives that I literally cannot sit through another one, but James, has it not occurred to you yet that now might be a good time to put the spade down? Why is it that this endless stream of people all think we're so dumb that we need total outsiders to bowl up and tell us that we're doing it all wrong and they can organise how we do our jobs better than we can, despite all the evidence to contrary?
I don't turn up on a builders forum and tell them I've come up with a better way to lay foundations than anything they can do because I've had a look round Wickes and done a bit of internet research and watched every episode ever of Grand Designs. What the fuck is the matter with you all? Has it occurred to you to try and come with something that we can't do by ourselves and might actually need some help with? No, of course not, because there isn't anything and that's the bit you can't stand, isn't it?
Anybody who wants to see the credentials incidentally, just Google the email address given in the first post.