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Author Topic: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows  (Read 310301 times)


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1110 on: 23 November 2023, 09:39:12 pm »
Has anyone noticed that if they search their good clients on the App they have loads of reports - whilst clients that are time / wasters have hardly any…..

Are girls falsely reporting decent clients in order to keep business….. We know already know clients see many girls….. but the app should be used as a place of trust! We should be able to trust eachother more than clients in this game!


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1111 on: 24 November 2023, 08:38:00 am »
Has anyone noticed that if they search their good clients on the App they have loads of reports - whilst clients that are time / wasters have hardly any…..

Are girls falsely reporting decent clients in order to keep business….. We know already know clients see many girls….. but the app should be used as a place of trust! We should be able to trust eachother more than clients in this game!

If a client has lots of reports, these will have come from different users at different times, as our apps do not allow users to report the same client twice and we look for duplicate reporting all day every day. If reports were left by a coordinated group of users this is also looked at all day every day and our system can identify patterns and does remove them. What is more likely is that your good client is a pain to others, but not to you.

English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1112 on: 24 November 2023, 11:46:59 am »
Most of my good clients don't have any reports but there is a couple that have 4 reports for being flakey, not showing, ghosting, cancelling too often.

BBW Jayda

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1113 on: 25 November 2023, 06:40:28 am »
Has anyone noticed that if they search their good clients on the App they have loads of reports - whilst clients that are time / wasters have hardly any…..

Are girls falsely reporting decent clients in order to keep business….. We know already know clients see many girls….. but the app should be used as a place of trust! We should be able to trust eachother more than clients in this game!
Two things to bear in mind.... Just becos a client is nice to you doesn't mean he can't be a timewaster or a nasty piece of another girl... I have a long term client who is so respectful but his number has awful reports.
Secondly, becos of some girls some lnasty clients are now aware of this app. So they change their aims regularly


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1114 on: 26 November 2023, 02:13:55 pm »
Hi everyone!

I saw an American version of 'Client eye' in form of screenshots on an anonymous instagram page of a SW based in the US.
I asked and I am still waiting for an answer, but was wondering if any of us here is familiar with it as it can be useful for the traveling americans



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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1115 on: 30 December 2023, 06:24:13 pm »
I've been reviewing numbers in the app, phone numbers I've had stored for long time.

Classified in many ways, but generally as=

Those who call or text, are you around tomorrow? weekend? Are you available this afternoon? What time do you start? What time do you finish?. For a long time acting like this and they never make an appointment. Are you free this evening?. You ask him, at what time? and he answers that will let you later, and you don't hear from him again until next time.

I've had some of this style in storage for years.
And also the following ones.

Those who make an appt, say they are on their way and never show up.

Nasty-malicious no-show=
Those who say they are on their way, or confirm at the stipulated time and still don't show up, or say there is some traffic and that they will arrive a little later, 15 minutes later, 30 minutes later, they leave you waiting and don't show up.

Address collector/no-show=
Those to whom you say I am right next to this supermarket, located on this street. They answer, oh yes, I know where it is, send me the postcode and I'll be there in half an hour, they never show. Or just after sending the address they tell you that something unforeseen came up.
The worst, those who say they are there and they are not, weirdos.

The ones who say if they can do this or that, if you like this or that, who has it big or small and if there is a problem, all with a deep, decadent, sighing, or energetic voice, who have called several times, and you have them stored as such.

Those who follow you through different cities, as if they had never spoken to you. With the typical question... can I have some details please?
Or that you don't want to see for some reason and they call from different phone numbers.

Those who are dedicated to.. hi..hi baby..hi are you available?, are you free?, are you free now?, and whether you answer or not, it is their favorite pastime.
And they do it over and over again, over time and it never leads to an appt.

Look & go=
I have very few, maybe two over the years.
But there are men who really get turned on just by coming to look, trying to touch, and making some excuse afterwards. Wallet in the car, I'm very nervous, can I go to the bathroom? Ah, I thought you do such and such service.

Unreliable =
Those who, out of 10 appointments they make, show up 5 times. Sometimes they cancel ahead of time, other times they don't show up, or they make excuses, and since sometimes they have come, you think that maybe they can show up.
(I've given them some chances in the past, not anymore).

The ok ones=
Those who make an appointment, show up, are correct in every single way, if they cancel for some reason it is a specific case, but they keep the appointments, and if they are late even a few minutes they let you know and are respectful in every single way, and it is wonderful to deal with them.

Well, searching for these numbers in client eye, the result has been that the majority are reported.

Except the ok's ones!.

Conclusion, most of them have a pattern in their general way of acting.

So in my case, I can say that 98 percent of the reports are correct, that does not mean that some may end up being reported due to some disagreement with a client, but I think they will be exceptions.

Fortunately I have not had to deal with dangerous cases.

Sorry for the length of the post, but I wanted to specify that at least in my case it is true that many reports follow the same pattern.

Let's hope that our colleagues do not make the mistake of reporting nonsense, or telling them that they are being reported.
Because even if we have our gut to decide whether to agree to deal with them or not, it is very useful to know what kind of people we might be dealing with.

Best wishes to all.
Happy New Year to everyone, full of health, love and prosperity. <3
« Last Edit: 30 December 2023, 06:28:34 pm by Moonlight »


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1116 on: 31 December 2023, 02:27:48 pm »
I've been reviewing numbers in the app, phone numbers I've had stored for long time [...]

I recognise all of these, unreliables I recently started to clamp down on, and I don't even want to go to deposits on some of those because I feel so disrespected.

[giant unnecessary quote reduced]
« Last Edit: 31 December 2023, 02:56:50 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1117 on: 03 January 2024, 05:54:22 pm »
Is ClientEye team back from break? I've got a new handset and need to restore my purchase, there doesn't seem to be a way yo contact them except within the app
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress

Louise 1234

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1118 on: 04 January 2024, 01:11:52 am »
Loads of nice regulars with various reports and actual time wasters with barely anyone reporting. 
It’s a shame you cannot post a positive against a genuine client with various Timewaster reports.
I don’t really check it anymore due to this reason. My own judgment tends to be good enough.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1119 on: 04 January 2024, 07:05:42 am »
Loads of nice regulars with various reports and actual time wasters with barely anyone reporting. 
It’s a shame you cannot post a positive against a genuine client with various Timewaster reports.
I don’t really check it anymore due to this reason. My own judgment tends to be good enough.

Whereas this week a one time client I have found difficult in comms & on social media outside of the 1 booking he attended (had cancelled a couple after paying a deposit using spurious reasons), acted as if I was being unreasonable when I told him I was blocking one of his SM accounts to stop him using it as a form of contact (there's a lot more to this story)

I didn't know if it was just me being unreasonable, late at night, tired etc.

Bear in mind this guy has a lot of good AW feedback.

I decided to look in CE.

Lots of reports from others saying he was difficult, lots of texts, unreliable, look and go with one woman. My gut was right. I actually now believe he has carried out some retaliatory behaviour but I don't have proof. Until I looked I thought perhaps I was being too harsh, but he must know what he is doing and I have added to the reports. Anyone looking at his AW wouldn't really find anything wrong, although I can see one clue but I have insight from dealings and CE.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1120 on: 05 January 2024, 10:57:39 am »
Is ClientEye team back from break? I've got a new handset and need to restore my purchase, there doesn't seem to be a way yo contact them except within the app

The best way to contact us is from within the app, as we don't post on Saafe or Twitter that often.
If our in-app auto reply does not answer your question we will follow up with a manual reply.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1121 on: 05 January 2024, 11:00:28 am »
It’s a shame you cannot post a positive against a genuine client with various Timewaster reports.

Our reasons for this have been explained many times throughout this thread.
We still have the option for users to flag a report to admin IF you believe a report is incorrect.

English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1122 on: 05 January 2024, 12:06:20 pm »
Loads of nice regulars with various reports and actual time wasters with barely anyone reporting. 
It’s a shame you cannot post a positive against a genuine client with various Timewaster reports.
I don’t really check it anymore due to this reason. My own judgment tends to be good enough.

It's still very useful for dangerous reports where someone has been attacked and for those creeps that have 10 plus reports and sometimes 50 reports for being a pervert fantasist that never turns up and pays. I use it mostly for these 2 reasons now. Guys with 2 or 3 reports for non serious stuff i sometimes take a chance on and sometimes it pays off and sometimes they no show me too as other reports say they do.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1123 on: 05 January 2024, 02:01:50 pm »
The best way to contact us is from within the app, as we don't post on Saafe or Twitter that often.
If our in-app auto reply does not answer your question we will follow up with a manual reply.

Thank you, I did use the in-app form but didn't get a response, but it's all sorted now.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1124 on: 23 January 2024, 08:16:25 am »
How do I contact you through the app if I need to
speak to you?