We have read all the previous comments and waited a day before replying to ensure we answered as many points as possible
We will never allow positive reporting on ClientEye, no other reporting system does this, including Saafe or NUM, our reasons being already explained in regard to possible coercion, and the possibility of fake positive reports being made, which we believe are more dangerous to users than any fake negative reports could be.
We have never professed to be a replacement for a user's other screening methods, i.e. experience or gut feeling, and have always stated, that users should use their own judgment when reading reports.
We are not judge and jury when it comes to what a user believes to be report worthy, whilst a cheesy nob may not be report worthy to you, it may be report worthy to others, similarly reading a report of this nature may not affect your decision to see a client but for others it may. We are all about giving users as much information as possible regarding a client's past behavior. A cheesy nob from 2019 may not affect your decision to see a client but we guarantee, if you see the report, you will be looking for it if they visit.
To give some stats, we received about 14,000-15,000 reports a month, that's 400-500 reports a day, this is far far greater than any other reporting system, ranging from look and go, hygiene (cheesy nob), call/sms pest to being robbed, raped & attacked, we deliver 500,000 report notifications per month, of those notifications 62% return 0 reports, 16% return 1 report and 22% return 2 or more reports.
As to fake negative reports, every system will have genuine users who spoil it for others by exaggerating or making false claims, we try to weed these out as best we can, the issue is, we are not there when the issue happens so how can we know 100% know the truth. Saying "I have seen the client and he's not like that with me" means nothing, just because he is not like that with you does not mean he is not like that with others. A rapist is no less of a rapist because he never raped you.
We look for fake/false reporting every day, we look at a users past reports to see if they have a pattern of what could be seen as fake reporting, if you report being attacked 3 times a day 7 days a week for 3 months the chances are it will come to our attention and we will act upon it, we also have the ability for users to flag reports to us if they believe something is not right with a report and we have missed it, these too are looked at every day.
We know some replies may say "what about this" or "what about that" but it's very simple, If you find no value in using our apps then you have the choice not to, we are an aid, nothing more.