Clients installing our apps will always see a default report description regardless of the telephone number they have searched, this is leading some clients to make GDPR requests with us, even when they are in fact not even reported. If clients are reported they also see the same default message so still have no idea if reports actually exist.
The ONLY way clients can ever know if they are reported is if they are told they are by users with full CE access.
A few days ago we were contacted by a client who had been TOLD they were reported, we found the user who told them and blocked them for doing so for 3 days, the client later sent us an image of the report details, the screenshot came from a different user so we have permanently blocked that user from CE.
If any user tells a client they have been reported IT WILL lead the client to get others involved in order to see the report details, this always puts the original reporter at risk of retribution and puts us into a GDPR process which can take up to 30 days to resolve.
EVERY user is shown what IS and what IS not allowed when using CE, every time they make a report, so there is no excuse.
IF you share details of reports with clients, WE WILL BLOCK YOU