^^ To clarify, I meant reporting on CE - I believe a punter, blocked, banned or otherwise who changes his number in order to get a booking is booking by deception if he’s making contact with someone who has declined him.
I think it’s important to report every number a client uses, along with his name, user name, email or whatever information one has if only to build up a fuller picture so when another woman checks his details, all this information is linked.
There’s a man in North America who has been trying to make a booking with me for almost a year now. I have lost count of the number of names, numbers, email addresses and various other guises he has used to try to trick me. Except he doesn’t because I record IP addresses and I don’t accept FMTY bookings). Even so, his many guises are are all logged on various international databases as well as CE so others can take this into account should he contact them. TBh, I don’t think he’s dangerous, he’s just a massive fantasist. But it is exhausting and stressful to deal with, and if I can stop others at the start from even engaging or responding to him, it’s a win.
Back on topic, I find it abhorrent that some have no qualms telling men they have reports on CE, they’re putting other women at risk. As for the men who download it to check their own numbers, why would anyone do that unless they know they’ve behaved badly? Am so glad CE have made the new changes and that they keep an eye out on any CE discussions online and act/revise accordingly .