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Author Topic: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows  (Read 310991 times)


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Hi how much do you rely or trust client eye ? I’ve always thought it was the best but I’ve recently had a very good paying and nice client. He told me he couldn’t never get through to me so I checked and I had him saved as ignore because he has 10 bad reports on this number on there. He called me and booked off a new sim. It’s really made me think about all the potential clients I ignore when they could be good. I’m not sure what to think now when I see reports
Not today satan

English Green

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Occasionly i have seen clients that i believe have been given a fake report but it's to be expected if thousands of reports go on especially when 1 woman was conning guys over deposits and not seeing them but because 1 guy demanded his money back she said he made threats for money back she never mentioned she was a con artist or that she never met him so she lied made it look like there was a booking and he got nasty. I saw the evidence that he was telling the truth as he told me what happened to him of her scam  always will be some not genuine reports but i think most are genuine.

I have seen guys that were reliable with me and turned up and i seen a few times but no showed on a few other women
I think there real reports but have been unreliable with others or booking one that there fave woman come free and they do not cancel the other booking.

Use your gut and decide for yourself.

Going by reports there is many women that see bad reports for timewasting and no showing but still take there booking as i seen reports done afterwards saying i should have listened to other reports as he did same but i gave him a chance as he said will def be there.

Vintage Miss

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I weigh things up, any reports for abusive behaviour, even if only one, I'm not going to risk at all because the risk of getting hurt (if the report is honest) outweighs in importance the risk of simply losing a booking (if the report is dishonest). If there is one report for time wasting I may take a booking anyway if I am at my incall place and it would be easy to get ready, but I wouldn't go out of my way for him. Like, if I was out to lunch, I wouldn't rush back.

In the main I find I've already screened out guys before I even input the number to see if they have any reports; as in, I've already thought to myself "He sounds like an arse - oh look, he has 4 reports!" and my instinct to not see him is confirmed. Which I probably would have gone with anyway. Its only meant to be used as a guide - information is power and all that.

If they have managed to get 10 reports though, even if they show up and act reasonably sometimes, they haven't on other times and are thus still risky. Its highly unlikely that 10 users are all liars.

Vintage Miss

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I have seen guys that were reliable with me and turned up and i seen a few times but no showed on a few other women
I think there real reports but have been unreliable with others or booking one that there fave woman come free and they do not cancel the other booking.

Yea this; I have very very low tolerance for being messed about and would prefer to go without the money than risk a no show or a general fuckwit even if they are ok now and then. So to me, CE is invaluable.


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Hi how much do you rely or trust client eye ? I’ve always thought it was the best but I’ve recently had a very good paying and nice client. He told me he couldn’t never get through to me so I checked and I had him saved as ignore because he has 10 bad reports on this number on there. He called me and booked off a new sim. It’s really made me think about all the potential clients I ignore when they could be good. I’m not sure what to think now when I see reports
Please bear in mind some clients have gotten wind of clienteye app and have checked their numbers on the app and changed their numbers if they have several  bad reports against their numbers.
So how did you know it was the same guy
Did you tell him about the reports? Why did he change his sim?
« Last Edit: 03 May 2022, 03:32:45 pm by Missyblue »


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I only block if the person is out of order with me  and or it's obvious there is unrefuted evidence. There are entries in CE which read along the lines of 'didn't think he was shifty until I saw the other reports', 'twat', 'thank goodness I read this' - was he shifty with them or not? I mostly find the behaviour will come out in the contact/during screening process.


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At least one woman on here has said she told her potential client that she wouldn't see him because he had been reported, it is clear that women are telling these clients about it even though it says do not tell them!!!!  This is why we can't have good things.

English Green

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At least one woman on here has said she told her potential client that she wouldn't see him because he had been reported, it is clear that women are telling these clients about it even though it says do not tell them!!!!  This is why we can't have good things.

Some are telling there clients as i had a couple that knew why i was never available for him and read out the exact report what his regular girl screen shot him. I denied knowing about that.

There is nothing we or Client eye can do about a small percentage of women breaking the rules Unfortnately.


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Yea this; I have very very low tolerance for being messed about and would prefer to go without the money than risk a no show or a general fuckwit even if they are ok now and then. So to me, CE is invaluable.

I gave someone a chance the other day with 2 2021 no show reports and he no showed me as well. More fool me for giving him a chance. I have a very low tolerance too and would rather have  o bookings than a no show. They make me very mad.


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 If someone had 1 - 2 report say 6 months - 1 -2 years  ago for no show then if I’m not busy I will see them but I fit them on my terms - so no loss of business if they don’t turn up
But anything abusive i won’t see them

Vintage Miss

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I gave someone a chance the other day with 2 2021 no show reports and he no showed me as well. More fool me for giving him a chance. I have a very low tolerance too and would rather have  o bookings than a no show. They make me very mad.

Exactly, best to cut losses and do something else nice or productive with the time. More reliable clients are around the corner...


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We have always known one user's experience with a client will or may differ from another user's experience, and we have always advised using the information in reports to make a better judgment on whether to see a client or not.

I myself will not see a client if they have any abusive reports but may see a client if they have a couple of no-shows or time-wasting reports, but only if I am not busy or don't have a better alternative. The more reports, the more chance I will say no or make my excuses, ( I have a list of them ready ), I never let a client know if they have been reported, but we know so users do, either because they are caught on the spot having been asked for a booking, or to get the upper hand with the reported client.

Every user is shown their unique ID at the end of every report they view, and if they take a screenshot and send it to a client, that client always uses it as evidence of being reported when they contact us, we, of course, see the ID and block or warn any ID's that are shown to us.

ClientEye is just a tool, best to use it in any way you seam fit and in whatever works best for you.  :angel:


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Help! I uninstalled the App this morning so that I could hopefully get the call notifications. Never been able to use that function, always had to take the call then search afterwards.
I freed up some space and reinstalled. But the App is 'stuck' on the first page of 'select a language'
Won't allow me to select any language and is basically frozen.
Tried on 2 android devices, one running Android 9 and the other 11.


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Hi how much do you rely or trust client eye ? I’ve always thought it was the best but I’ve recently had a very good paying and nice client. He told me he couldn’t never get through to me so I checked and I had him saved as ignore because he has 10 bad reports on this number on there. He called me and booked off a new sim. It’s really made me think about all the potential clients I ignore when they could be good. I’m not sure what to think now when I see reports

When a CE report comes up, I cut the call then check the report. If it's something like 'robber' or 'look and go' I immediately block.

The genuine ones will call back but I find they rarely do. I find  most CE reports are genuine. I might give the odd 'no show' a chance but with plenty of genuine clients who pass my screening I don't feel inclined to take the chance.

If I do speak to clients with reports, they rarely pass my screening and certainly more than one report is a 'no go' for me.

I had a strange incident last week where an AW member with lots of recent positive escort feedback contacted me for a booking but he had 9 CE reports.

I have no idea what was going on there but there's not a hope in hell I would even entertain someone with 2 reports (like I said) never mind 9!

I blocked him on AW and phone.

I feel safer all round with CE already screening out the most problematic of clients. So what if I miss out on the one or two that 'might' have been okay due to false reporting or perhaps the client has experienced a bait and switch or whatever leading to a negative report.

I'm still busy and my touring life is so much easier now. If a guy has 2 or more reports then all the wg's can't be wrong. He's a bad egg in some shape or form.

On a more serious note, the number of guys who come us abusive, dangerous, robbers, thief gangs etc is invaluable and that only takes 1 report.


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  • Posts: 5
    • Client Eye App
Help! I uninstalled the App this morning so that I could hopefully get the call notifications. Never been able to use that function, always had to take the call then search afterwards.
I freed up some space and reinstalled. But the App is 'stuck' on the first page of 'select a language'
Won't allow me to select any language and is basically frozen.
Tried on 2 android devices, one running Android 9 and the other 11.

Ok you are on Android ( by the features you have mentioned ), let it load and then scroll through the languages, select your preferred choice, and continue. If this doesn't help email me or DM on Twitter