What's the email? I accidentally left a report for the wrong client, and want the report on the wrong client removed please. It was a genuine mistake x
Hello clienteye,Sorry if this has been answered but I am not able to link my phone to the app currently, its says 'failed to request data for client eye' not sure what I'm doing wrong.Thank you
Hi client eye,Your app doesn't seem to be working at the moment. It went a bit odd about 20 mins ago but came back on only now there are no reports showing at all. Even when someone calls who I know has at least 5 reports it's showing they have none.
Anyone else? Seems to just get stuck on homepage ...
If on Android use the support ticket feature if on ios email contact@clienteye.app
I noticed all the reports of timewaster I submitted yesterday were not there this morning
Nothing is there as the servers are still down, as previously posted about.
I'm not on Twitter. Any updates? Not willing to accept any bookings without checking CE at the moment, especially as since posting on VS I just get dross contacting me.