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Author Topic: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows  (Read 310646 times)


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My CE is all over the place. I get warnings of reports showing when they call and also added my own one today. But I can't read any of the reports and they don't show up in my contacts list. I've sent a support request.

PC, I think it's on the CE app page. Just Google them and scroll down their page and you should see it.


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My CE is all over the place. I get warnings of reports showing when they call and also added my own one today. But I can't read any of the reports and they don't show up in my contacts list. I've sent a support request.

PC, I think it's on the CE app page. Just Google them and scroll down their page and you should see it.

Most of the recent issues that have been mentioned in regards to not seeing reports have been due to an update we did 2 months ago.

The "Backend" testing update we did, restricted new installations from seeing report descriptions whilst still allowing report notifications to come through. The restriction cleared quite soon, once the user had built up a reporting or searching history, this was an attempt to stop clients being able to see any reports about themselves it never effected users who had already installed our apps. (Only new installations)

During the test of this update it has drastically reduced the ability for clients to see any reports on their numbers, HOWEVER it has also had an adverse effect on users with a new installs seeing the reports & believing the app to be broken so we will be removing or adapting this restriction next week.

We MAY be adapting to only showing report details to Verified users only, this has yet to be decided as we need to find an Auto way of doing it as it's physically not possible to verify 100's of accounts per day


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AHH I see, ok, thankyou. I'm ok with just being notified that a caller has reports without getting to see the reports, for now. I mean, that's the most important thing. Cos users aren't allowed to leave positive reports, then I know I won't see them as all reports are negative.

It's weird though because I did get to see one callers one report which was a no show situation. I actually booked him in and double booked deliberately, and yes he was a no show so I added that. But yeah, thought you should know one report I could see.


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My client eye app is completely freaking out right now? Wont load, just flipping between blank screen and loading “syncing” message.
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, tried the test flight version and that’s worse.
Can’t click on anything in the app, and obviously can’t check numbers !? Ehhhh :(


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I've had the same problems today EveEveEve. Unfortunately I gave 2 time wasters the time of day because of it.


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I've had the same problems today EveEveEve. Unfortunately I gave 2 time wasters the time of day because of it.

I’ve checked it on all my phones and it must be an app issue - hopefully it’s fixed soon!


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I submitted some details earlier. While I was able to enter his name, number and email, the accompanying details/'report' did not upload. I would like to add this detail but am not sure how to do so because if I do, it will be an additional report from my device.
Please can you advise.



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We had a 4hr outage today, caused by an SSL security certificate expiring 3 mths prior to when it was due, this caused ALL apps to either flash, fail to start, unable to search or report. We contacted our web server hosts who said they were at fault for not updating the SSL expiry correctly.  :FF :FF :FF


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Very frustrating but hopefully it's sorted now! I've been able to get back on to mine and update the reports I needed to make :) I hope everyone's is back to normal now


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Quick note. On the latest (current?) version, notifications don't work on the HTC Desire 20. It doesn't crash the whole machine as my M8 HTC used to, and I can manually search no problem. But no pop ups for calls and texts. Have done all the permissions.

Working perfectly on my OnePlus 5 so I've reverted back to that handset. Send me a pm if you want any help with device testing on the HTC. I suspect its the proprietary HTC Sense interface which is causing difficulties.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #415 on: 01 June 2021, 04:51:11 pm »
Well. All my reports are saying restricted to verified users now. Think it's in Spanish and then in English 🤔.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #416 on: 01 June 2021, 05:07:52 pm »
Sorted mine. Thanks
« Last Edit: 02 June 2021, 09:04:06 am by Missyblue »


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #417 on: 01 June 2021, 05:15:42 pm »
Well. All my reports are saying restricted to verified users now. Think it's in Spanish and then in English 🤔.

This happened to me this afternoon too. I started a new 'support request' thing in the app and they fixed it pretty much straight away.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #418 on: 01 June 2021, 05:17:57 pm »
The main thing is we can see they have reports even if can't read them. I think it's going through updates to stop punters downloading it, which is good.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #419 on: 01 June 2021, 06:27:13 pm »
We are transitioning from a fully open system to a more protective one.

The reason for this is we are becoming more well known in circles we would rather not, some users are telling clients they have been reported and they are in turn making GDPR requests with us, mostly unsuccessfully. These clients are also seeing reports on them and giving abuse to the original reporter if they suspect who it is, they are also giving abuse to the wrong users when they wrongly suspect.

The new system will ONLY restict unverified users ( those with a low searching or reporting history ), restricted users will still be able to see the amount of reports and the report type but will not see the report description ( THIS IS TO PROTECT THE ORIGINAL REPORTER )

None of the updates done today restrict existing users who have a reporting history and will only effect a small number of people or those with a recent installation.