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Author Topic: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows  (Read 311692 times)


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I've seen ads for things i have recently looked at maybe on eBay or amazon but then i may see random things ......  ::)


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I just had a question about the linking numbers etc, hope it makes sense.
So I had reported someone on number 1. They then text me with number 2. So I put a report onto number 2, when I click link it with number 1 it says it’s reporting both numbers. So does that mean it will add an extra report onto number 1 and if so will I get in trouble because it’s then 2 reports by me on a single number.


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I just had a question about the linking numbers etc, hope it makes sense.
So I had reported someone on number 1. They then text me with number 2. So I put a report onto number 2, when I click link it with number 1 it says it’s reporting both numbers. So does that mean it will add an extra report onto number 1 and if so will I get in trouble because it’s then 2 reports by me on a single number.

The linking system allows users to do exactly what you have done with no issues:
Client contacts you and you report them (1st report)
Client contacts you again from a DIFFERENT number and you enter a different report description for that 2nd number and LINK it to the 1st number (2nd report)

The report description for the linked 1st reported number will stay the same (description does not change upon linking)
The report description for the linked 2nd reported number will appear on the database as you have entered
In the background we LINK those 2 NUMBERS with their respective descriptions.

In the example of what you did, you have LINKED 2 DIFFERENT NUMBERS not reported the same contact for the same issue twice


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Hi CE. I've just installed your app and it has been showing reports in my current contacts list, but then it stops showing the reports. Also, nothing comes up when someone calls me. As I understand it, even people with no reports will still inform you of that. I have permissions turned on and wanted to ask what else I should do. I don't understand why my current contacts sometimes shows reports and then doesn't. Thankyou.


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I'm in a similar situation EnglishAmy. For the first idk couple of months it worked brilliantly, but now it doesn't show reports under my calls at all anymore. I've nearly been caught out a couple of times now and nearly taken a bad client but I've started double checking everything.

I'm cautious of taking calls now. So would love it if it's back to how it was showing reports under the incoming call


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Hopefully they'll get back to us soon. It's a lot of work for them for little money although I'd be happy to pay a small annual fee for this app to be honest. It is so worth it. I've done ok not using it before cos my screening is strict, but I think possibly too strict and I'm letting some good ones go. This app will help me if a number has no warnings but they don't sound completely my type and I'd usually turn them away. No reports swing me to seeing them maybe.


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I'm not crazy strict, I think I'm more tolerant than most and it seems to be working for me so far. But I rely heavily on CE and I'd also be happy to pay a small annual fee or something. It seems like a very small price to pay for safety, I'm not sure how I was lucky to have no incidents before hand.


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To answer all the above, it much depends on the device you are using:

iOS best to use our Testflight version which will allow you to enable ClientEye Caller id and give notifications on calls if they are reported and not already stored by you as a contact.
Android users, use our ClientEye+ version from our website to get all call/sms notifications, ensure you have opened the app and clicked into each section to allow CE permissions to access call/sms lists and give notifications as they come in.


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Thanks CE, it's working. Hope yours is too PC.


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Spoke too soon. No reports now showing up.


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Rebooted my phone and now working again.


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I downloaded it on my personal phone
I then check every number on it  as I no longer get the warnings on my work phone with CE


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I downloaded it on my personal phone
I then check every number on it  as I no longer get the warnings on my work phone with CE

Please email or DM us on twitter and we can get this resolved


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My client eye works half the time that's it


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I'm not sure where to find the testflight version of the app. I have an iPhone 7 plus, I tried to uninstall it and reinstall it but that didn't work