A quick update for our app users Most of which have been users suggested.
Those who follow us on twitter may have seen the next app updates we have in production but wanted to let users here what these are.
Android will be the first to see these updates, iOS (testflight) will soon follow.
The biggest feature of the next update is giving users the ability to report ALL a contacts details in one reporting process. Previously if you had 2 numbers, 1 username and 1 email address for a contact you would have to make 4 seperate reports, with the new system this is all combined into one process, this will also allow you to "LINK" those contact details so other users will know all a contacts aliases.
Users will be able to click on any of the report descriptions and see if any "LINKED" contact details appear, so other users will know all the information available.
Another feature of the update when a user clicks a description is 2 fold, 1st the report descriptions will have translation options from any language to any language as more and more (none English language ) users are using the app, the 2nd will allow users to make ClientEye aware IF a report description is suspect, i.e. false, fake, been left by a reported contact or has full name/address information.
The last feature of this update will be in how report descriptions display to users.
Normal black font - Normal user ( unverified )
Bold black font - Verified user ( based upon reporting history )
Purple colour will indicate that it's a report the user viewing, has made.
We will soon also be including a "Delete" button for verified users to remove any report they have previously made, this should come in handy if a mistake has been made or if a user wishes to update a previous report with new information.
ALL these updates have only been made possible because of the money thats been raised via our GoFundMe page, funding from our app sponsors and by our inclusion of in app ads, we know ads are a pain but without them we would be struggling to keep the app alive and kicking.
Emma x