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Author Topic: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows  (Read 310809 times)

English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #255 on: 13 October 2020, 11:48:11 am »
Hi Emma i know you have somewhere on Client eye do not share details with clients but have you thought about having it in bold on every page?

I say this because i think many women are still not understanding they should not be telling clients when they call them that they have a report on Client Eye.

I have had probably 3 men calling tell me i know i have a report on there but ignore it because it's rubbish when they figure out i am always busy when they call. I play ignorant to what they say.

I saw a previous dangerous guy on there that i too reported and one woman said he told her i been told i have warnings for behaving bad she blocked him but obviously previous women have told him he is on the Client Eye blacklist.

So dangerous men will start to change there numbers putting us in more danger.

I don't understand why women cant ignore them, block them so they do not have to deal with them or just say there busy or make an excuse.

Not sure if some are just not thinking of consequences a by telling them and it does not enter there head that they will get a new sim or username, but do you think it might remind them if it's in black and white on every page of warnings not to do this?


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #256 on: 13 October 2020, 11:56:35 am »
The same thing happened with the client reports on AW, which I believe is why they were withdrawn. Some people are just stupid or more interested in pandering to men than protecting other women, unfortunately. I guess it's also pretty easy for men to make a false account and check themselves.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde

English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #257 on: 13 October 2020, 12:40:40 pm »
Kay from the situations i have seen there being told " i will not see you because you got reports come up on Client eye for bad behaviour"

All there doing is damaging the app which is a great thing for sex workers i do not get how they cannot see this.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #258 on: 13 October 2020, 12:46:54 pm »
Hi Emma i know you have somewhere on Client eye do not share details with clients but have you thought about having it in bold on every page?

I say this because i think many women are still not understanding they should not be telling clients when they call them that they have a report on Client Eye.

I have had probably 3 men calling tell me i know i have a report on there but ignore it because it's rubbish when they figure out i am always busy when they call. I play ignorant to what they say.

I saw a previous dangerous guy on there that i too reported and one woman said he told her i been told i have warnings for behaving bad she blocked him but obviously previous women have told him he is on the Client Eye blacklist.

So dangerous men will start to change there numbers putting us in more danger.

I don't understand why women cant ignore them, block them so they do not have to deal with them or just say there busy or make an excuse.

Not sure if some are just not thinking of consequences a by telling them and it does not enter there head that they will get a new sim or username, but do you think it might remind them if it's in black and white on every page of warnings not to do this?

We have always recommended that users do not share any reported details with clients, but we know that some will continue to do so regardless.

Although we don't have the space in the apps to display a message regarding this on every page we do have banner spaces, we have just changed one of these banners to display a message saying

 "To increase the safety of other users please do not inform callers if they have been reported"

this will now appear to each user at least once per session. Hopefully this will go some way to informing users it's in their best interest to not mention previous reports.

English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #259 on: 13 October 2020, 02:15:24 pm »
Thanks Emma that is great. I hope more women see that and understand the repurcussions of warning dangerous clients what has been said about them.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #260 on: 16 October 2020, 12:45:50 pm »
Is there any mechanism for reporting a guy twice.  Reason I ask is that on several occasions a guy has wasted my time and I have reported them and then they have become worse, for example abusive. And I feel escalating behaviour like this should be reported.


English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #261 on: 16 October 2020, 12:52:11 pm »
The last time you usually can only report once. But its true you could report someone just being a no show or timewaster but they could come back and become a danger with threats or something or harassing you which could do with reporting again but maybe editing your previous report but i don't know how difficult it might be for these extra services within the app to update on a report?


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #262 on: 16 October 2020, 12:54:22 pm »
The last time you usually can only report once. But its true you could report someone just being a no show or timewaster but they could come back and become a danger with threats or something or harassing you which could do with reporting again but maybe editing your previous report but i don't know how difficult it might be for these extra services within the app to update on a report?

Oh I didn’t realise you could edit previous reports?

English Green

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #263 on: 16 October 2020, 03:30:06 pm »
No sorry you cannot edit them i meant if you could. But i think if someone became more a problem you can contact Client eye direct from the app quoting the number and ask if they could add something more serious in or take off that report and you add in the the full situation as it is now.

I am sure Emma will answer your question when she sees it on here.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #264 on: 16 October 2020, 04:26:16 pm »
Is there any mechanism for reporting a guy twice.  Reason I ask is that on several occasions a guy has wasted my time and I have reported them and then they have become worse, for example abusive. And I feel escalating behaviour like this should be reported.


As "English Green" has mentioned we don't allow users to report a number more than once as it leave the sysyem open to abuse, however, you can request an update to any report you may have previously left, and do so anonymously via the apps ticketing system if your app version has this feature.
Currently all our android apps have this feature as does our iOS testflight version.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #265 on: 21 October 2020, 04:47:10 pm »
How do I become a verified member so that my warnings come up highlighted / black


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #266 on: 21 October 2020, 08:29:07 pm »
Haven’t had warning in my call log for a couple days?


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #267 on: 22 October 2020, 09:06:54 am »
How do I become a verified member so that my warnings come up highlighted / black

It's now an automated process based upon reporting history

Haven’t had warning in my call log for a couple days?

Would be best to email or DM on twitter or use the support ticket software if your version of the app has this feature so we can go through some things


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #268 on: 28 October 2020, 04:14:55 pm »
Hi Emma,

Is it ever likely there will be a facility to offset a negative report?

Whilst the majority of warnings are bona fide, there are others that perhaps don't merit one. For example a client i saw today had a report for 'having previously seen a bareback provider.' Now that doesn't bother me (I don't have time to stalk clients profiles). Don't get me wrong, CE is fantastic and anymore than 1 report and I just block but I do think there are some reports that are unjustified (imo) and a friend of mine agrees and has seen loads of lovely guys with 1 report.

I realise nothing is better than my own judgement and screening procedures, which I employ regardless of reports, but whether to put a report up is highly subjective .

At least with negative and positive reports (although granted there won't likely be that many positive ones!) it would be helpful to some of us.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #269 on: 28 October 2020, 05:12:48 pm »
Hi Emma,

Is it ever likely there will be a facility to offset a negative report?

Whilst the majority of warnings are bona fide, there are others that perhaps don't merit one. For example a client i saw today had a report for 'having previously seen a bareback provider.' Now that doesn't bother me (I don't have time to stalk clients profiles). Don't get me wrong, CE is fantastic and anymore than 1 report and I just block but I do think there are some reports that are unjustified (imo) and a friend of mine agrees and has seen loads of lovely guys with 1 report.

I realise nothing is better than my own judgement and screening procedures, which I employ regardless of reports, but whether to put a report up is highly subjective .

At least with negative and positive reports (although granted there won't likely be that many positive ones!) it would be helpful to some of us.

I see what you are saying with an example like that.

However I think that this would be too open to abuse, in the same way the adultwork notes system was open to abuse and ultimately became useless and was closed down.

That would mean any Provider, just because she had a good experience with someone for example could try and offset someone who for example had a report of abuse or violence against them.

And we all know clients don’t behave in the same way to us all. I think this would mean a lot of confusion and ultimately more possible danger for us all.