For 2022-2023 our projected costs will be £45,000-£50,000 to keep the apps online, updated, and administered!
If anyone wants to fund that amount we will more than welcome your £50,000 donation.
Each month we have on average 5500 users of our apps, (10,000+ in 2022 up to now) and we expect 20% of those will subscribe, so that's 1100 users.
Those that do not subscribe will still see if a number is reported, and will still see how many times, the report type, and the report date.
We know 37% of subscribers will likely take a 12mth package and 63% a monthly package, and this will raise about £45,000 over the year
We have done 8100+ MANUAL restriction removal requests to date and blocked over 1000 clients attempting to do so, so we know the demographics of our users as we have all the data, we know the unique id's of occasional users and the unique id's of the more active ones, this is based on search history not reporting history.
We know 95% of our uses will NOT be adversely affected by the changes we are making, and the other 5% will be subsidized by either anonymously gifting a subscription or by donations. These options will be available to ALL USERS & SW SUPPORTERS before the 17th May 2022
We do restrictions removal and administration of the reports 12hrs a day, every day of the year, this includes Christmas day, birthdays, and even on the day of my dad's funeral 2 years ago. We never stop other than to sleep! so those that believe we are doing a "cash grab" or that we are "tech startup looking to cash out" are quite welcome to stop using our apps anytime they want, we can even facilitate their exit if they wish, quite simply we can do without their negativity/
We have been in communication with SWARM & NUM since our announcement and will continue to do so as these are the people who are BEST PLACED to have communication with ....... (we will NOT engage with shouty people) .... Emma