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Author Topic: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows  (Read 310643 times)


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1260 on: 06 October 2024, 06:33:09 am »
I get very few no shows and where I do they tend to be when I'm on tour and I've given someone the benefit of the doubt because I have an available booking slot.

Amy I've seen CE reports that say...

Sounded black/Indian
Wanted my postcode

And various other one or two word reports, there are 280 characters available to anyone making a report on CE,  tell me how they wasted your time, what made them an idiot,  etc that makes a potentially useful report, 2 words don't because one persons timewaster may be that he has rung instead of text, another's that he text instead of rung.
I mean how are they going to check if they can get to you and by when without a postcode? Why is that worthy of a report.
I'm seeing guys on tour without issue that have anything from 0 to 10 reports for timewaster or idiot or didn't follow my booking instructions,  I take CE as one small part of screening as should we all.

I agree and some reports are 'Thought I'd check here, have now blocked' others slag the punter off. What I want to know is the detail, why he's a tossed or whatever.

Also noticed sometimes when I've reported someone I've had difficulty with for a long time, you know when you can't be sure if he's just bumbling, hapless, has an unpredictable life, health issues...then others have added a report that also matches with what I know of his punting pattern. I suspect there are quite a few like this wondering 'is it just me?'. Seeing someone else report is I find very useful.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1261 on: 07 October 2024, 09:31:20 am »
God that's really disgraceful VC - are these 'reports' not moderated in any way? We get some ridiculous stuff here that never make it to the public warnings board but I don't think anybody has ever attempted to 'warn' others about somebody being black, ffs.

My suggestion (before VC posted above) was going to be could somebody (usually local competition) be trying to sabotage your business by making fake bookings and I still think it's a possibility if you're having this many not turning up - I've had two in the last year I think, and I don't remember the last one before that. I have to ask though, are you actually doing any screening yourself or just typing the numbers onto this app?

99% of timewasters give themselves away within seconds in my experience, but unfortunately for people who have come to rely on things like this (and we've had many posts over the years from people who used to think AW feedback was reliable, so didn't bother using their instincts) they won't get the opportunity to learn.

I believe so Amy. I’ve definitely found times in the past where I feel like someone is trolling me and trying to make fake bookings to stall my game. Like u said it could’ve been a pimp! In terms of screening I use this forum occasionally and mainly ce to quickly check, if it’s over WhatsApp I’ll check how long the WhatsApp account has been active and if it’s over text then I’ll check if they have a WhatsApp as I’ve found a lot of no shows or timewasters in the past have no WhatsApp account linked to their number so could be using a burner line but obviously when you’re on tour and got so many things to sort out in a short period of time you can miss things. I just feel in my personal opinion it’s a London thing as I was in Luton and Watford on the weekend and I didn’t get not one no show or look & go. All my clients were polite to be fair not like the rude cunts I deal with in east London lol! X


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1262 on: 07 October 2024, 09:35:11 am »
I use the app along with my own judgement. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Decided to give the benefit of the doubt to someone this weekend as he seemed okay on the phone and yes he wasted my time. He had 2 reports in the same area for timewasting.
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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1263 on: 10 October 2024, 04:08:55 am »
CE you need to use with your own judgement / experience.

Some reports just say have one of two timewaster reports, now timewaster may not actually be a timewaster . It may simply be someone enquiring around several escorts and don't actually confirm a booking.  But if they have alot of timewaster reports, and  have timewaster vibes.

Other reports like no show. Again some escorts don't get punter to confirm bookings and they just enquiring and they put them down as no show when client not confirmed booking. I've had punters in past with 2 NO show reports and they followed my booking procedures perfectly showed up and been lovely clients. I've also seen regs on CE who got reports as timewasters. Like one of my regs is on call alot with work. Sometimes he cancels short notice but he always tells you in advance he's on call so you no what your dealing with.

If i get deliberate no shows , for example a client confirms appt  says he's on his way etc. says he's at the hotel  then switches phone off etc. I'll write in description deliberate no show. And confirmed on his way and never showed. Or said at hotel but wasn't there, turned his phone off.

I never take any bookings from clients with multiple no shows , especially if my gut says he's a no show and he doesn't follow booking procedures. And in other cases I've not checked CE as client sounds genuine and no shows, then look on CE and he has many reports for no show and i'll leave a report sounded genuine in comms and no show.

Any multiple reports for look and go, turns up without money and any dangerous clients i will not see.

Client eye is great tool but only if used with your own judgement / experience.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1264 on: 10 October 2024, 09:31:57 am »
Yes, judgement and experience is exactly what I meant. Unfortunately the people who have come to rely on third parties never get the chance to learn and develop their instincts, which is why we have posts upthread from women who are afraid to work if they can't use this app.

On paper, my screening consists of looking at a text exchange and deciding whether or not I'm going to book the texter. In reality, there's far more to it than that.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1265 on: 10 October 2024, 04:15:48 pm »
Yes, judgement and experience is exactly what I meant. Unfortunately the people who have come to rely on third parties never get the chance to learn and develop their instincts, which is why we have posts upthread from women who are afraid to work if they can't use this app.

On paper, my screening consists of looking at a text exchange and deciding whether or not I'm going to book the texter. In reality, there's far more to it than that.

Exactly this, I did the first 6ish years without CE and I never had any real issues other than a couple of no shows etc

It's a gut feeling that I get when corresponging with soneone that i rely on mostly and CE is a top up.

Like you on paper it looks light but it's the little things that we pick up from a text or a conversation.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1266 on: 10 October 2024, 11:46:30 pm »
Well I've had too rely on gut and experience this tour as CE no longer working for me. I'm on a paid subscription , verified and logged in and it's new interface / design and suddenly saying i have restrictions and need to have my restrictions lifted.

Anyone else having these issues?


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1267 on: 11 October 2024, 12:12:00 pm »
Think you need to fill in the form linking your AW site or any other site that proves you work and they'll send you a link to your work phone.

It's a faff and a bloody nightmare! It's like you need to start again with re-verifying yourself etc.
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero

April Showers

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1268 on: 14 October 2024, 02:16:34 pm »
Hello i have just changed my phone and my old app now doesnt work which is the new app for a iphone please  as  i  an see a ce plus explore by A young is that the right one tia x


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1269 on: 15 October 2024, 09:59:39 pm »
I love CE. But it's recently changed. The older version was much better.


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1270 on: 16 October 2024, 11:19:58 am »
Hello i have just changed my phone and my old app now doesnt work which is the new app for a iphone please  as  i  an see a ce plus explore by A young is that the right one tia x

I'd reach out to them on X or I'm sure they put an email somewhere in this thread as they don't monitor this as much now I believe

April Showers

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1271 on: 16 October 2024, 01:08:53 pm »
Thanks I am not on x anymore I will look for a email address if i cam find one x


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1272 on: 19 October 2024, 01:18:48 pm »
I’m really really pissed off! Iv been banned and accused of sharing info about client eye. I didn’t. He called me a stuck up cunt and I said he has robbed women so of course I’m not going to see him. Someone I’m guessing has told him about clienteye but it wasn’t me! I’m so upset. It has literally saved my life.

BBW Jayda

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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1273 on: 19 October 2024, 03:14:42 pm »
I’m really really pissed off! Iv been banned and accused of sharing info about client eye. I didn’t. He called me a stuck up cunt and I said he has robbed women so of course I’m not going to see him. Someone I’m guessing has told him about clienteye but it wasn’t me! I’m so upset. It has literally saved my life.
Do you hear yourself.. You told him "the content of a report" which you are not supposed to do.
 I've had clients who have seriously dangerous reports, I politely tell them I will be busy with a long booking," pls contact after tht, 8pm".. Give a ridiculous time of the day most times they won't contact again, if they do at least you have blocked their numbers with less hassle


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Re: "Client Eye" free Reporting app for TW/Call-SMS Pest/Abusive/No Shows
« Reply #1274 on: 19 October 2024, 04:50:14 pm »
But surely it could have came from anywhere? I didn’t say clienteye. It could have been another escort?