CE you need to use with your own judgement / experience.
Some reports just say have one of two timewaster reports, now timewaster may not actually be a timewaster . It may simply be someone enquiring around several escorts and don't actually confirm a booking. But if they have alot of timewaster reports, and have timewaster vibes.
Other reports like no show. Again some escorts don't get punter to confirm bookings and they just enquiring and they put them down as no show when client not confirmed booking. I've had punters in past with 2 NO show reports and they followed my booking procedures perfectly showed up and been lovely clients. I've also seen regs on CE who got reports as timewasters. Like one of my regs is on call alot with work. Sometimes he cancels short notice but he always tells you in advance he's on call so you no what your dealing with.
If i get deliberate no shows , for example a client confirms appt says he's on his way etc. says he's at the hotel then switches phone off etc. I'll write in description deliberate no show. And confirmed on his way and never showed. Or said at hotel but wasn't there, turned his phone off.
I never take any bookings from clients with multiple no shows , especially if my gut says he's a no show and he doesn't follow booking procedures. And in other cases I've not checked CE as client sounds genuine and no shows, then look on CE and he has many reports for no show and i'll leave a report sounded genuine in comms and no show.
Any multiple reports for look and go, turns up without money and any dangerous clients i will not see.
Client eye is great tool but only if used with your own judgement / experience.