Integrated sexual health services
Terrence Higgins Trust Sandwell would like your valued opinion of what sexual health services you would like to be available within the local area. We are interested in your thoughts and feelings regarding what is important to escorts regarding continued sexual health. At present, THT Sandwell offer free condoms and lube, rapid HIV tests , STI postal kits, advice around sexual health and working safely. However, in order for us to provide continued support we need to know what is important to you. For instance, do you feel a social group for escorts to discus work related issues would be beneficial? Or is there a certain area or venue you feel we would be able to deliver sexual health services more efficiently? We are also keen to set up a sexual health clinic designed specifically for the needs of escorts, ie, away from mainstream sexual health clinics such as GUM?s, is this something that you feel is a need?
Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Please email your response to