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Author Topic: Surrey and Sussex Support Service  (Read 2218 times)


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Surrey and Sussex Support Service
« on: 22 February 2016, 04:45:27 pm »

My name is Molly and I'm an Outreach Worker for Rape Crisis Surrey and Sussex. I know selling sex does not mean you have experienced sexual violence. This post is just to let you all know that if you live or work in East Surrey or West Sussex and ever want any support or information about any form of sexual violence you have experienced at any point in your life you can call or text me on 01293 538 477 or 07494 786 606 and we can talk or arrange to meet in person.

Rape Crisis Surrey and Sussex are a completely independent and confidential service which means we never share information with other organisations. We offer long term face to face counselling that lasts up to a year provided by fully qualified female professional counsellors, an advocacy or ISVA service that supports women and girls before and throughout the criminal justice process, and the Outreach service which is a first point of contact for anyone who isn't sure of what their options are and wants to meet with someone to talk things through before engaging in the other services. If you have experienced sexual violence then you did not deserve it, you do however deserve the very best possible support, that doesn't judge you or make you feel uncomfortable.  We are here for you if, or when, you would like to talk.
Warm wishes,