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Author Topic: Sex Workers Service in Paddington  (Read 22208 times)


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #15 on: 06 November 2015, 10:16:21 pm »
Can someone who have been here before please tell me how I actually get into the sex worker bit of the clinic and not the general public one? I had booked an appointment here previously and chickened out and just left as I wasn't sure where to go and didn't want to go to the general public one in case I embarrass myself. Tried calling them for help but no one picked. please help x


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #16 on: 07 November 2015, 12:53:34 am »
Hi Jessica,

Physically, the general public clinic and the Praed Street Project are one and the same, as are the staff. The difference is the level of service you get and some of the nurses specialise in seeing sex workers.

So, phone the PSP and make an appointment.
Go to the clinic reception desk, fill in your details (it doesn't have to be your real name), and you'll be given a temporary clinic ID. You just need to supply a DOB, postcode and mobile number for your results, so if you make anything up, make sure you remember what it was!
You'll then get a card with your proper clinic ID, so you can use that for making further appointments.
You can also 'drop in' like anyone else during opening hours.

If you have anything non-clinical, you can also visit the actual PSP staff (I've never done this, but assume they're nearby). One of the receptionists can be a little moody but all the clinical staff are great. If you have any questions, you can also PM them on here.

Jenny 2 - I've just noticed our messages contradict each other. Is the separate department you talk about the PSP office or something, or part of the clinic?
« Last Edit: 07 November 2015, 12:57:06 am by KayHerts »
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde

Jenny 2

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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #17 on: 18 November 2015, 04:19:06 pm »
Hi Kay

I'm also confused about which department you are talking about! 

In my post when I said separate department I meant the drop in centre which is literallly two mins walk from the actual clinic itself. The drop in is open at certain times only and the staff there are delightful - very caring and supportive and if you just want a chat, they are there to listen.  They also provide free condoms, lube etc. 

From all the years I've been going to the clinic, I've only ever gone upstairs where (as far as I know) is specifically located for sex workers whereas downstairs is where the general public go (and you sit waiting hours on end) 

The Project have posted on this thread giving all details so it's all for us to see there. 

I'm not sure which receptionist you mean is moody!  I think you may be referring to the one who is downstairs dealing with all, not sex workers section? 

Jenny x

Sorry made mistake just edited my post as this reply was to Kay not Jessica! 
« Last Edit: 19 November 2015, 11:36:19 am by Jenny 2 »


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #18 on: 18 November 2015, 05:43:38 pm »
Yes, I always go to the upstairs clinic. I'm not sure what's downstairs! I don't think upstairs is just for sex workers though.
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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #19 on: 18 November 2015, 09:47:17 pm »
Downstairs are non SW & upstairs are people like us!  :-*


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #20 on: 01 December 2015, 05:24:48 pm »
Clarification received about the clinic layout during my routine screen today... There's recently been a reorganisation: there's no differentiation between hoi polloi and sex workers in the actual clinics. Downstairs is if you have symptoms, upstairs is if you have no symptoms.
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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #21 on: 03 December 2015, 09:27:53 am »
Free condoms? Could have used that a couple of weeks ago. :)


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #22 on: 03 December 2015, 10:08:14 am »
Condoms and lube are available free of charge at any sex work project or GUM clinic here - this one isn't anything out of the ordinary. There isn't even any requirement to have made National Insurance contributions like the rest of us :).


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #23 on: 13 January 2016, 04:13:40 pm »
Just went here today for the first time for a full screen and to go to the drop in. Everyone here is SO lovely, staff helpful and friendly. And the two ladies who run the drop in are great.  Went home feeling supported (and with a big bag of rubbers, lube and gloves!).  :)


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #24 on: 09 March 2016, 02:24:45 am »
I've been going to my regular clinic which only allows 12 condoms a month  :FF could someone tell me is it the same here? And how much do they give?
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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #25 on: 09 March 2016, 04:57:21 pm »
I've been going to my regular clinic which only allows 12 condoms a month  :FF could someone tell me is it the same here? And how much do they give?

I never accept them, but I'm sure they'd give you quite a few. The best thing to do is buy them online from the NHS Freedoms shop - a box of 144 is about 15 quid.
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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #26 on: 09 March 2016, 06:16:10 pm »
Right, I've already moved one general condom-buying post to another thread (which I can't easily post a link to as I'm on my phone); can we please remember that this one is specifically for the Praed Street project?

Info about their service, condoms included, is great. General stuff needs to be elsewhere :).


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #27 on: 15 March 2016, 02:54:34 pm »

Lovely to see so many lovely comments about the project and that more ladies are finding out about us!  I've seen that there are a few questions/confusion about our service, so thought I would do a quick message to a reply to a few of them, but please call us on: 0203 312 1549 to find out about anything you need to know about the project/ to get an appointment with us.

We have daily clinics with our friendly, specialist nurses at The Jefferiss Wing, St Mary's Hospital Monday-Friday.  Please call us to book an appointment in, we have different morning, afternoon and early evening appointments to choose from.  We do hold our clinic upstairs in the Jefferiss Wing as a few of you have been discussing.  A lot of different appointments are booked for upstairs and anybody without symptoms can also be seen upstairs so it will still remain discreet if you are a sex worker, upstairs is not only for sex workers!  Hope this clears up some of the confusion about being seen on different floors! 

We also hold a 'Drop In'  service which is held in an informal setting for ladies and men working in the sex industry on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons 2-4.30pm.  You can just drop in as you please, no appointment required.  It is a discreet and confidential group where you can pick up a much larger supply of a large range of condoms and other supplies such as lubricant, gloves and dams for work. In this space you will have the opportunity to discuss anything you are concerned about such as:
 Sex work and the sex industry
 Difficult situations at work
 Sexual health and general health
 Coping with stress and burn out
 Condom use
 Important news and information about the sex industry
 How work is affecting you
 Legal issues
 Alteranative careers/further education
 Exiting Sex

 or to just have a chat in a confidential, safe place where you won't be judged and can feel free to be open about your work.

We also offer outreach to ladies/men working in the sex industry to your place of work in Central London/ Westminster/ Kensington and Chelsea area every Friday afternoon where we can visit you and bring you free condoms and supplies, Ugly Mugs/safety advice on your flat and offer you sexual health tests if you would would like them.

Please feel free to call our small, friendly team on; 0203 312 1549 with any questions/ concerns.  It will always be one of us that answers the phone and if we are not there if we are busy seeing lovely ladies like yourselves, then please leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

From The Praed St Project Team

Jane, Laura, Tracey and Nora


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #28 on: 21 March 2016, 04:24:37 pm »
I went there there two days ago (as a walk in) due to a bad case of thrush (candida). I did not say I was a sex worker. The doctor ordered me to get all sort of STD's tests (just in case) and a urine exam to make sure I was not diabetic (people who get to much thrush tend to be diabetic). They ended giving me candida medication for free. The whole thing took 3 hours of my time. The service was awesome and the people were super nice and very professional.

I'm soooo glad to have this service available. :)
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Sex Workers Service in Paddington
« Reply #29 on: 08 November 2016, 06:22:30 pm »
They have been a god send for me over the years..had been working for a few years before I found out about them via a client :-*