Lovely to see so many lovely comments about the project and that more ladies are finding out about us! I've seen that there are a few questions/confusion about our service, so thought I would do a quick message to a reply to a few of them, but please call us on: 0203 312 1549 to find out about anything you need to know about the project/ to get an appointment with us.
We have daily clinics with our friendly, specialist nurses at The Jefferiss Wing, St Mary's Hospital Monday-Friday. Please call us to book an appointment in, we have different morning, afternoon and early evening appointments to choose from. We do hold our clinic upstairs in the Jefferiss Wing as a few of you have been discussing. A lot of different appointments are booked for upstairs and anybody without symptoms can also be seen upstairs so it will still remain discreet if you are a sex worker, upstairs is not only for sex workers! Hope this clears up some of the confusion about being seen on different floors!
We also hold a 'Drop In' service which is held in an informal setting for ladies and men working in the sex industry on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons 2-4.30pm. You can just drop in as you please, no appointment required. It is a discreet and confidential group where you can pick up a much larger supply of a large range of condoms and other supplies such as lubricant, gloves and dams for work. In this space you will have the opportunity to discuss anything you are concerned about such as:
Sex work and the sex industry
Difficult situations at work
Sexual health and general health
Coping with stress and burn out
Condom use
Important news and information about the sex industry
How work is affecting you
Legal issues
Alteranative careers/further education
Exiting Sex
or to just have a chat in a confidential, safe place where you won't be judged and can feel free to be open about your work.
We also offer outreach to ladies/men working in the sex industry to your place of work in Central London/ Westminster/ Kensington and Chelsea area every Friday afternoon where we can visit you and bring you free condoms and supplies, Ugly Mugs/safety advice on your flat and offer you sexual health tests if you would would like them.
Please feel free to call our small, friendly team on; 0203 312 1549 with any questions/ concerns. It will always be one of us that answers the phone and if we are not there if we are busy seeing lovely ladies like yourselves, then please leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
From The Praed St Project Team
Jane, Laura, Tracey and Nora