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Author Topic: Sex worker support in Manchester  (Read 2888 times)


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Sex worker support in Manchester
« on: 09 April 2014, 10:24:33 am »
Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH) provide confidential advice to female sex workers from across Greater Manchester.
We offer non-judgemental support to women who work on the street, in saunas and as escorts.

The MASH van is out on the streets of the City Centre and Cheetham Hill 3 times a week late at night. They offer:
?   Free condoms and lubricants
?   Sexual health advice
?   Needle exchange
?   Information about dodgy punters
?   Safety advice and information
?   Personal attack alarms
?   Referrals into drug and emergency accomodation
?   Refreshments

The Drop-In is situated in the beat on Fairfield Street. It is safe and welcoming, with a cup of tea always available. You do not need an appointment, just pop along when we are open.
What is available:
?   Condoms & lubricants
?   Needle exchange
?   Computers
?   Refreshments
?   Dodgy punter information
?   Activities each afternoon ? art therapy, education & yoga
?   Weekly Police surgery and weekly doctor surgery
?   Counselling (need an appointment)
?   Complementary therapies
?   Case workers with various specialisms: Criminal Justice, Drugs and Domestic & Sexual Violence
?   Sexual Health Nurse (confidential sexual health screening and information about antenatal care)

Opening times:
Mon    12:30 ? 3:30pm
Tues   12:30 ? 3:30pm & 8:00pm ? 10:45pm
Wed   12:30 ? 3:30pm & 8:00pm ? 10:45pm
Thurs   12:30 ? 3:30pm & 8:00pm ? 10:45pm
Fri    12:30 ? 3:30pm

Further details about the times the van is available and an activity timetable please see the MASH website under ?Timetable? on the home page

Sauna Outreach: The Sexual Health Nurse visits a number of saunas (massage parlours) around Manchester and Bury to offer sexual health screening, treatment and information about antenatal care.

Tel: 0161 273 4555
Address: 94-96 Fairfield St, Manchester, M1 2WR


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Re: Sex worker support in Manchester
« Reply #1 on: 15 February 2017, 09:07:54 pm »
So I thought I visit them, have a look and chat and also of course do all the relevant tests... I put the link for whoever is interested.
Very nice friendly people and they have a mobile unit as well (I accidentally observed them in action serving some hot drink to a lady on my way to the centre). Thank you  :)

If you go by car, be careful where you park: park at the road behind where there are CCTV. If you go by other means of transport in the evening, don't walk alone! The surrounding area is a bit dangerous...
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