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Author Topic: Sex Work Project Sunderland and Tyneside  (Read 3247 times)


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Sex Work Project Sunderland and Tyneside
« on: 23 March 2016, 02:20:27 pm »
My names Kayleigh and i work for Changing Lives and GAP (Girls are Proud) in Sunderland and the surrounding areas.
For a while i've been really keen to start a sex worker drop in services for lasses in the area at our Sunderland office in Hendon and it's finally happening!!!
We already have something similar in Newcastle and the feedback has been amazing so far.
These drop ins have been designed so theyre really laid back but discreet, we really wanted to make it just in informal social setting to just sit and have a chat over a cuppa with other like-minded women who just "get it". We have brilliant relationships with our GUM nurse who can attend and a resident "legal eagle" who can answer any questions you might have over sex work and the law and i'm really pleased to announce we can offer FREE condoms and lube, so you may aswell stock up and take all you can carry!!!

The next drop in is the 31st of March (so next thursday) and they'll be once a month after that!
Alternatively if you don't fancy the drop in, i can meet for a 1-2-1 chat over a cuppa, please don't hesitate to call me anytime on 07957208996!

Hope to see you all soon!
Kayleigh Lambert
Changing Lives + GAP Sunderland.

[title edited to remove all caps]
« Last Edit: 23 March 2016, 02:22:20 pm by amy »