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Author Topic: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove  (Read 27076 times)


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Re: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove
« Reply #15 on: 04 February 2020, 12:32:18 pm »
What's SWOP?
I have big respect for The Suzy Lamplugh Trust and her family's work for safety.

I used an alarm and decided they're useless for me, the guy put his ear to it and laughed!...and I felt like a right wally. Luckily he was annoying, not dangerous.
Personally, if I'm in a dangerous situation I have to be immediately physically aggressive and destroy the threat. There's no time or opportunity to debate pressing this or that gadget.

Personal alarms are a nice idea but I think can give a false sense of security.
There's no guarantee an alarm will scare off a predator or summon help.
They can't replace keeping your wits about you.

The whole gadget-distraction thing is complex I guess....I've read quite a few accounts of providers who knew they were in danger and wasted time texting a friend for options rather than escaping. Dependence on phones as a lifeline can also get in the way of action sometimes I think.

Just my view. I know others will have different strategies.

Thank you for your feedback on personal alarms!

SWOP is the Sex Workers' Outreach Project at Oasis Project in Brighton :) It is a discreet and confidential service for self-identifying women working in the sex industry across Sussex.

Our SWOP workers understand the many different reasons that women work in the sex industry. We will not force you to give up sex work or make any assumptions about your situation and your choices. Our main concern is your safety and wellbeing and these are some of the ways we can support you:

 - Free condoms and lube
 - Sex work and the law
- Support and advice regarding welfare services.
- Drugs and alcohol advice

 - Support, advice and info around sexual health and safety issues or other issues related to sex work.

 - One to one support on an ongoing basis: Women receiving ongoing support from us can meet with us for regular sessions. We would support you with addressing any worries or concerns you have  - such as improving safety, health issues, housing issues, financial problems, drugs and alcohol, mental health or access to counselling.  We can also offer support or advice if you are thinking about leaving sex work or just want to increase your options for the future.

 - Dodgy punter list and reporting scheme:  If you have a bad experience at work and report an incident we can offer you support. With your permission we can warn other sex workers in the area about the incident via our Dodgy Punter List (keeping your details anonymous).  We can also report this to the UKNSWP's UK wide National Ugly Mugs Database. If you would like to report the incident to the police we can also support you with this.

If we can't help you directly with something we will so our best to help find someone who can.

There is a bit more information about SWOP at the following website: :)


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Re: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove
« Reply #16 on: 24 March 2020, 11:08:33 am »
Hey everyone

Just an update about our service in light of the current chaos the world is in...

WE’RE STILL HERE! That’s a win right? :D

We won’t be doing any face to face meetings right now (stay home and stay safe) but you can still talk to us online and via phone. Here’s how you can get in touch with us should you need support, or even just a chat, during this time.

Live chat:
Phone: Mel - 07801376158   Emma - 07880716001

Keep an eye on here and on our Twitter too as we’ll be providing you with information about what you can do if your work is suffering at this time.

Look after yourselves  :)


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Re: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove
« Reply #17 on: 27 May 2020, 05:49:38 pm »
Hi! :)

Just to let you know that we are still running our service for sex workers in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex - even though we are not offering  face to face outreach or appointments at the project at the moment.   

These are difficult times and we know that lock-down is particularly difficult for sex workers, causing financial hardship for most people. 

We understand that everyone's situation is different:  if you are struggling and your situation is complicated we can find out information for you or contact services and advocate on your behalf.

To get in touch  you can call or text Mel - 07801376158 , or you can self refer via our web page:[/i]t/]

We can offer video chat / phone and email support and as well as support can arrange for food parcels if you are struggling.

Please see our information on COVID-19 and areas we can offer support: ][/url]

The page also includes useful links to other services  such as access to home testing kits and condoms by post .

We can also send out harm reduction information and offer non-judgmental support or information if you are still seeing clients in person.   We are confidential:  You are not obliged to give full personal details if you contact our service for brief advice or support:

Best wishes - Mel :)


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Re: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove
« Reply #18 on: 07 July 2020, 03:35:23 pm »
If you have been the victim of any form of physical or sexual assault, stalking or harassment, blackmail, robbery etc.  - , just a reminder that we are here to offer emotional  if you need to talk to someone, or practical support if you are not sure what to do.   We can support you whether or not this was work related.   

We are also happy to help you through the process if you if you are thinking about reporting it to the police and can make third party reports on your behalf if you prefer this.

We are open Monday-Friday.  Email:  Call / text  Mel 07801 376158

For other information and support see our web page:


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Re: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove
« Reply #19 on: 13 November 2020, 05:19:24 pm »
Hi - Mel from SWOP here

Just a reminder that if you are suffering during lockdown or at any other time... we are here to offer non-judgemental advice or support, whether you are in crisis, need emotional support  or just need some information about local health or wellbeing services.

TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SUPPORT:  Most of our support is via phone - but happy to offer video chat  or email support if you prefer.  If this does not work for you, we are offering a small number of  face to face appointments a the project.

CONDOMS ETC:  We work with Carina who is our outreach worker from THT - she can send out postal condoms and lube.

FOOD VOUCHERS:  National Ugly Mugs kindly provided us with supermarket vouchers for anyone experiencing financial hardship

HEALTH AND WELLBEING:  We can also offer advice  or long term1:1 support if you're in a situation you're not happy with  - whether that is work or personal life.   
If you're worried about drinking or drug use, we are also happy to give advice and talk through any options with you.   

VIOLENCE, ABUSE, STALKING, HARASSMENT:   If you have been affeccted by any of these we an offer advice and support.


Best wishes and have a lovely weekend - Mel  :)


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Re: Services for sex workers in Brighton and Hove
« Reply #20 on: 03 August 2023, 10:29:50 am »
Hi this is Mel from SWOP in Brighton & Hove  - we have not been on here for a while.  Am just posting Saafe members who live or work in Brighton & Hove area to promote services currently available. There is a link to our service here:   

We offer a range non-judgemental advice support, information and advocacy  (sexual health, general health, housing, benefits,   for any self-identifying women and non binary people regardless of immigration status.

If you are not obliged to give full personal details if you get in contact for advice or support (working name or being anonymous is fine). 

You can access our service in person (appointments at Oasis Project, home or work place visits or meet in a cafe), or via phone, text, WhatsApp or email

If you have a any concerns or are worried about speaking to services, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page or feel free to contact me anonymously via text, phone or email  / 07801 376158

We are currently looking for a new premises for our peer support group and will post on here when this is up and running.

We work in partnership with THT who are offer access to PrEP as well sexual health screening.   I'll put these in a separate post.

Best wishes  - Mel


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Brighton & Hove PrEP and Sexual Health Screening
« Reply #21 on: 03 August 2023, 11:48:27 am »
Hi this is Mel from SWOP:  A quick (ish)  post to those of you living or working in Brighton & Hove in case you weren't available of all the options available for sexual health screening, Hep B vaccinations and access to PrEP:

 - THT offer free, confidential clinics that can be booked online :  Their clinic service offers sex worker sexual health  check-ups, including with a female clinician on a Friday.  Their HIV and syphilis fingerprick testing are rapid result - results in 15 minutes.
They also offer  access to PrEP via their PrEP2U clinic on a Thursday.

What is PrEP? If you haven't heard of PrEP or don't feel you know much about it, there is a short video here: that is worth a watch.

 - Our SWOP service offers swab self-testing kits (available from Oasis Project or via our outreach service).   We also offer outreach support or advocacy if you need help or support in accessing THT, SHAC or other health services locally.  Call/text/WhatsApp   Mel 07801 376158  or Carina 07552 739821

 - Brighton SHAC (Sexual Health and Contraception):  Offers options for walk-in, appointments, and home test kits that can be ordered online. If your order online, we recommend the X-Pack if your services include anal or oral.

SHAC also offers PEP (post exposure prophylactic) that you can take within 72 hours if you are concerned about recent exposure to HIV (e.g. broken condom), PrEP .
SHAC also offers free Hepatitis B vaccinations.

This also is free, confidential and not linked with GP or other medical records (unless you request this).  Although SHAC is NHS based, you will not be asked for proof of immigration status or residency and this service is available for anyone, regardless of your immigration status.

[/b] Did you know you can get free  home STI testing kits from vending machines at various locations in Brighton?   If you feel reluctant to speak to services or give out a postal address, then this is a great option.

These are at: 
  • Brighton Jubilee Library; University of Sussex Students Union; BMECP reception area (New England Road

I hope this is helpful!   :)


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Brighton & Hove October 2024
« Reply #22 on: 18 October 2024, 01:09:15 pm »
Hi  :)   Just a reminder that we're here  if you live or work in Brighton & Hove and would find free condoms, information on testing options.

We also offer support and advice (including longer term support) on lots of things
 - if you want any help in relation to wellbeing, debt, benefits, housing, EU Settled status.
 - are experiencing any problems accessing healthcare
 - have been the victim of crime, or worried about your safety
 - need sexual health advice, including information if you want to find out more information on contraception, Hep B vaccinations or PrEP.   
 - if you, a friend or family member are experiencing problems with drugs or alcohol

We can also come to you - we're happy to come to home, work place or cafe and carry STI self-test packs and condoms.   
We also have evening availability if that is more convenient for you.
You can can contact our  service anonymously if you prefer (we won't insist on personal details).

Call / text / WhatsApp Mel 07801376158    (Monday-Friday)  or Carina   (Wednesday-Friday evenings)

ANY QUESTIONS? - See our web page for more info :

SEE our FAQ page if you have have concerns about issues like confidentiality, being a parent, or if we support the Nordic Model (we don't).

Best wishes from SWOP  :) x