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Author Topic: SCOT-PEP Running Community Based Survey Sex Worker Experiences Scotland  (Read 2782 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 5
  • Sex Worker Rights are Human Rights
    • SCOT-PEP
Hey, I'm one of the sex worker volunteers at SCOT-PEP posting this for all Scotland based workers:

There are many assumptions made about sex workers. These assumptions have the effect of discrediting sex workers? capacity to speak meaningfully about our lives, and about policy. As part of a process of challenging these myths and assumptions, SCOT-PEP has designed this survey to seek the views and experiences of sex workers in Scotland. As a sex worker-led Charity that is committed to upholding the labour, health and human rights of sex workers, we hope to use the knowledge gained from this survey to better align our advocacy and activism with what sex workers need and want.

The survey will run for a three month period and all information provided will be kept anonymous in our publication of the final community based research report of the findings. You can complete the survey completely anonymously and no identifying information will be shared. You can also exit the survey at any time you wish, or save your answers and come back at another time.

Please share as widely as possible with friends who do sex work and if you?d like to get more involved in SCOT-PEP?s activities after completing the survey our contact details will appear at the end - we would love to hear from you!

In Solidarity,

Link to survey here: