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Author Topic: POW Nottingham  (Read 3648 times)


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POW Nottingham
« on: 12 May 2014, 02:35:21 pm »

POW is a PEER led project that offers non-judgmental support to women and men who work on the street, in saunas and as escorts.

We offer:
�   Free condoms and lubricants
�   Sexual health advice
�   Needle exchange
�   Information about dodgy punters
�   Safety advice and information
�   Personal attack alarms
�   Referrals into drug and emergency accommodation
�   Refreshments

The Drop-In is situated near the Nottingham beat area in Radford. It is safe and welcoming, with a cup of tea always available. You do not need an appointment, just pop along when we are open.
We also have an out-reach service that will discretely drop-off free condoms and lubricant to your door or place of work and can bring GUM services with us.

Opening times:
Drop-in times (outreach services also available)
Mon: 11-4pm             
Wed: 11-4pm
Fri:  Appointments

Mon: 10-12am
Tues: 10-12am
Weds: 10-12am
Thurs: 10-12am
Fri: 10-2am

Tel: 0115 9249992 or 07966537839
Address:16 Independent Street, Radford, Nottingham, NG73LN


  • Project Worker
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free condoms nottingham
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2014, 02:38:16 pm »

POW is a PEER led project that offers non-judgmental support to women and men who work on the street, in saunas and as escorts.

We offer:
�   Free condoms and lubricants
�   Sexual health advice
�   Needle exchange
�   Information about dodgy punters
�   Safety advice and information
�   Personal attack alarms
�   Referrals into drug and emergency accommodation
�   Refreshments

The Drop-In is situated near the Nottingham beat area in Radford. It is safe and welcoming, with a cup of tea always available. You do not need an appointment, just pop along when we are open.
We also have an out-reach service that will discretely drop-off free condoms and lubricant to your door or place of work and can bring GUM services with us.

Opening times:
Drop-in times (outreach services also available)
Mon: 11-4pm             
Wed: 11-4pm
Fri:  Appointments

Mon: 10-12am
Tues: 10-12am
Weds: 10-12am
Thurs: 10-12am
Fri: 10-2am

Tel: 0115 9249992 or 07966537839
Address:16 Independent Street, Radford, Nottingham, NG73LN


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Re: POW Nottingham
« Reply #2 on: 26 October 2014, 06:16:57 pm »
It would be good if when you contact escorts like you used to and make an appointment to visit them someone actually turns up.  I was contacted three times in two years being offered home visits and an appointment was made on those three occasions.  I waited patiently and no one turned up nor contacted me to say they couldn't make the appointments.
Not a very good service at all although I haven't tried the drop in since the one time they said to pop in and they were not even open although it was within opening times.  I am sure the drop in will work better than the completely unreliable home visits.

Have found it much easier to just pop on over to the GUM at the DRI in Derby for any tests and condoms and advice etc that may be needed as they are never really busy first thing in the morning
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact