Hi everybody.
I'm Tayler from MASH and I'm currently undertaking some research to understand the needs of sex workers in the north west and how we can best support them. We want to spend an hour exploring key issues faced by online based sex workers (e.g those who offer FSSW but advertise online) and how we can support you with those issues. I am hoping to run the group on 25th June between 12-2pm (I anticipate it will only take one hour but depending on how much time we spend discussing, could be longer). Participants will receive a £20 Amazon voucher to say thank you. It's a sex worker led project, so your voice will be heard and respected at all times. The group will run through Zoom and you are more than welcome to use mic only, for discretion.
Please email Tayler@mash.org.uk if you have any questions or would like to participate
Thank you