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Author Topic: Kent Sexual health service  (Read 2060 times)

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Kent Sexual health service
« on: 02 August 2019, 05:37:27 pm »
Hi everyone,
The Rubin Clinic has an outreach service to help support people living  and working in North and West Kent  to help them access the services they need for all of their sexual health requirements.
We are committed to providing a free, confidential and non judgmental service for all people who work in the sex industry.
Our main concern is your safety , health and well being .You will receive a ‘Gold Service’ wherever you are seen in North or West Kent in outreach or at one of our clinics. Ask us about the Gold Service.
You can access the service via our outreach team-  We can arrange clinic appointments or outreach visits to your home or place of work. All we need is a name, date of birth and contact number to get any results texted to.  If this is difficult for you then we can usually sort something out!  Some of the things we offer are:-
Free condoms and lube
Full testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Hepatitis vaccinations
Information/advice about PEP (HIV ‘morning after pill ‘72hours)  /PrEP  ( taken by HIV neg person to prevent the risk of getting HIV)
Contraception advice; all forms of contraception are available (outreach setting or clinic)
Emergency contraception
Pregnancy testing
Termination of pregnancy (TOP) referral
Information resources and leaflets
Information about working safely, including the National Ugly Mugs/Dodgy Punter Scheme
For advice, information or to arrange an outreach clinic visit then call/text:
Sue 07736615206
Caroline 07736615208
Gemma 07736615207
Or call clinic direct on 01622 225713 – just ask for Gold Service