THT is still delivering sexual health services in Enfield, we have just temporarily moved online
For a general view of our services please visit
Following the UK government’s recommendations, we are currently running “Don’t hook up”
If you live in Enfield, have no sexual health symptoms but want a specific test or a full sexual health check up, please order you free testing kits from
If you have any sexual health symptoms please ring The Town Clinic on 020 8887 4510 for an initial phone consultation
If you need free condoms posted to you (please bear in mind that, during the current COVID-19 pandemic, we recommend you only have sex with a partner you share the house with) or need to discuss anything regarding your sexual health, please ring our Outreach Officer on 07342 949 172, Monday to Friday 10:30am to 15:30
Kind regards
THT Enfield