See also the main site for more Support And Advice For Escorts

Author Topic: Basis Sex Work Service (Leeds & surrounding) - SH, Cost of Living, ISVA, IDVA  (Read 5928 times)

Basis Sex Work Project

  • Project Worker
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  • Posts: 2
A long overdue update on Basis Yorkshire services - we've been a bit quiet but we're still on the same numbers:

We provide non-judgmental, free and confidential  info & support for  women (cis, trans identifying as women) and non-binary workers in all sectors of the sex industry  including independent, agency escorts and other adult service providers.

How to get in touch
Office: 0113 - 243 0036
Mobile: 07710304306
Drop in: Mon - Wed 1-3  (further details on our monthly newsletter) Basis staff and other agencies, alongside regular themed events

Sexual Health Services:

Testing: At our offices:
We have a specialist Sexual Health nurse (Vicky or Mags) with us every other Mon or Wednesday afternoons; if you want to check dates please ask to receive our regular newsletter, ring the office (0113 - 243 0036) or the sexual health phone  (07710304306) - both answered daily from 9:30 - 4:30 by any of our support workers. They can also talk to you about contraception

All our staff are also all trained with 3 site testing which we can do for you at the office as well; whether the sexual health nurse is there or not.

If you can't come to our offices, we can help you arrange an appointment at LSH on your behalf if you are struggling to get through on the LSH phone line or we can try to arrange a home visit if  the above is dififcult

You can buy condoms etc at the office: 9:30 - 4:30 standard packs of 60 extra safe, naturelle, flavoured, trim and large condoms with a tube of lube and some gynotex sponges. You do not need an appointment to collect them, but if you want to have them ready for you please call ahead.

Staying informed:
We have a monthly newsletter  with info about our services - we can send this out on a regular basis via email or whatsapp - please reach out on 07710304306 to make sure you receive this

Cost of Living Support:
We know times are tough - if you are struggling with cost of living including housing, benefits, utility bills please reach out - we have various support schemes we might be able to help with including food or utility vouchers or links with specialist charities who can help you access benefits or support with your energy providers.

Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence and Coercion, Stalking:
We have specialist advisers that can advise and support you if you have been raped or sexually assaulted, including reporting to Ugly Mugs - whether you want to take it forward with the police or not; if you did want to access the police we can support you to do this, including liaising with a Specialist Police Liaison Officer. 

We also have a specialist qualified Domestic Violence worker who can advise and offer intensive support if you are experiencing domestic violence or coercion.

Research, Focus Group or Training opportunities:
If you are interested in contributing to any work we do with research or focus groups please get in touch with so we can contact you when such opportunities arise - we compensate for time spent with us or researchers.

If you need help with any of the above - please reach out on the above numbers.
« Last Edit: 22 February 2023, 09:36:22 am by Basis Sex Work Project »